Rui swung a hook only for his opponent to step towards the strike, blocking it with an armed guard. Rui seamlessly hurled an already-wound straight punch to the man's face.


Once again, the man stepped forward in the direction of the attack, blocking it with a forward guard. He was incredibly swift for a defensive Martial Apprentice, being able to keep up with Rui's every attack. Rui launched a barrage of blows, yet time after time, the man somehow continued blocking all of Rui's attacks casually.

('He's ruining the timing of my attacks.') Rui quickly realized. ('He's using a technique where he steps forward in the direction of the attack and blocks it prematurely before the attack has charged enough to reach its peak.')

It was a simple yet fascinating principle. Every attack had a peak as speed and power went. Martial Artists swung their fists and legs and spaced themselves such that the attack would land on their target when the attack was at peak power in order to deliver the maximum possible impact.

Rui's opponent instead, rapidly stepped forward in the briefest of moments before the attack had reached its peak and intercepted it when it was weak. This way he could prevent his opponent from showing their best striking power in a fight. Of course, he used other techniques to mitigate the impact, including some passive defense that came from conditioning.

Yet, it was this mistiming technique that drew Rui's interest.

This technique also foiled Reverberating Lance since Rui always timed the technique for the normal collision of the attack. But that was only if Rui continued to fail.


The man grimaced for the first time as a powerful body blow slammed into his guards

Rui kept a careful eye on his movements with Primordial Instinct boosted by the Mindmirror secondary brain, carefully readjusting the timing of the Reverberating lance to suit the sabotages of his opponent. Rui continued whaling away at him as he began inputting data about his opponent into his mind palace.


as a powerful blow crashed into the man's guard launching

biggest problem with the mistiming technique was that it made him predictable and easy to read. If he approached attacks o through them off-timing, then Rui knew exactly what he would do

model of each attack was not even complete, yet at this stage, Rui wasn't

powerful hook aimed at the man's jaw. The man,


It was an illusion.


into his jaw. The sheer impact


collapsed on

Yet, Rui wasn't done.

lart sucks.') Rui sighed with


the head was the end. A pool of blood began forming from the


as the deed

mercy shown to hostile competitors' Martial Apprentices. The participating Martial Apprentices were not allowed to let the vanquished Martial Artists survive. Rui began attacking the Martial

devolve in the favor of the Kandrian Empire. The reason for that was that the Kingdom of Nochus was a small and weak country that simply was unable to compensate

was the biggest problem, as everyone soon

of that, the VOID algorithm was particularly brutal. Yet what


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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