The Martial Apprentices quickly prepared themselves for the upcoming conflict that they were going to be participating in. In a few hours, the mission was soon enough ready to commence, and it did. The Martial Apprentices all dispatched as they rushed together towards the Bolexeuen Hill via the recommended path in their mission bills.

The distance was genuinely not all that great for a Martial Apprentice because it was already only a small portion of the core of the Serevian Dungeon which itself was a minority of the Serevian Dungeon. This meant that it didn't take much time for them to run into action from the moment they had left.

The focus of the Martial Apprentices weighed on the atmosphere, growing in weight once the two became aware of each other.

The Sekigahara convoy immediately deployed a few defensive measures, including having their many defensive Martial Apprentices deployed to intercept the incoming assault force and protect the settlement convoy of the Sekigahara Confederate.

When the assault team of the Kandrian Empire reached the general location of Bolexeuen Hill. Many cannonballs had already been fired in their general direction. Yet, the Martial Apprentices competently dealt with them. Some destroyed or overpowered them with attacks, others defended against them, and many simply evaded them.

Although cannon balls weren't slow. The sheer distance that they were coming gave the Martial Apprentices plenty of time to react and deal with them however they felt most comfortable.

Soon, the Martial Apprentices had reached the convoy of the Sekigahara Confederate. The groups of Martial Apprentices immediately clashed.

A large number of attacks were exchanged in the briefest of moments. The Martial Apprentices all began spreading out from each other to ensure that their battles with each other didn't hurt themselves and their comrades.


Rui evaded a flurry of sharp jabs from a conditioned piercing attack of the Martial Apprentices that had first attacked him.

His opponent seemed to be someone who had dedicated an immense of conditioning training to his nails. Rui recalled seeing the techniques long ago in the Martial Contest.



while launching a powerful low-sweeping kick, staggering his opponent into an unstable


to remain conscious despite

build up momentum to launch a powerful Flowing Canon at his


moved away from the attack unnaturally, as if

between him and Rui. The three of them exchanged a word with Rui's previous opponent, as the latter nodded and

exerted was immense. Yet what drew his attention, even more, was that they chose to intervene in his

him. There was no other reason that he

exuded was not something any Martial Apprentice should have been capable of exuding, and his three

Yet, they didn't hesitate.

dashed forward toward him. His


with a feint via Phantom Step, entering his


back. Yet when Rui went throw a front kick, he


an immensely powerful and focused wind blast attack slammed into him. He glanced

Artist.') Rui noted. ('So they wanted to create a synergistic team of Martial Apprentices specifically to take me

impatient, which was uncharacteristic for him. He knew that they were being sent to stall him and ensure he doesn't go off on a rampage like he did last time, which made him not want to allow that to happen, yet he needed to be careful



a strike cleanly and landed a powerful uppercut on his opponent pushing him back, when


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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