The nations recognized Rui even with his mask on. Martial Artists were distinct and Rui was very infamous at this stage. Every nation had had a hard time containing him in war. He was simply a menace and no individual Martial Artist lasted very long against him.

However, he by himself could not compensate for an entire army. The nations felt more confused than offended. What were they trying to do? Were they just sending a single Martial Apprentice to speculate the war and gather intelligence from a distance?

However, the Kandrian Empire did not need to engage in such tactics for surveillance. It was also quite clear that Rui wasn't primarily or even significantly a sensory-oriented Martial Apprentice. Thus, there was no way that Rui was being deployed due to a need for surveillance, there were many more fit Martial Apprentices that could be deployed for this particular role.

So why send their ace Martial Apprentice all alone in the middle of a war?

He shouldn't have been able to accomplish anything meaningful on a battlefield with three armies, yet the nations paid attention to his movements, if only because they were curious as to what his purpose on the battlefield could possibly be.

Rui didn't need to travel much to reach the battlefield. It was literally the final piece of valuable territory left and it wasn't far away at all.

Once he reached it, he was immediately attacked by many Martial Apprentices. These were powerful high-grade Martial Apprentices of each nation that had been assigned to stall and potentially defeat him. It was an overkill force but that was merely because they were the combined force of three opinions that each wanted to hold him off or ideally kill him.

All of them wished to do the latter, after being chewed out by their superiors for being unable to defeat a singular Martial Apprentice.

The atmosphere grew taut as Rui's brains both went into top gear mode. Time slowed down as he analyzed his circumstances. He needed to break past and reach the center of the war.

of the


he evaded a powerful long-range attack from one of them narrowly, immediately behind was a speedy


being caught off-guard, Rui reacted to all of his strikes perfectly, blocking them perfectly well, much to his

was something that was outside the Apprentice Realm. The Mindmirror Secondary brain worked parallelly with his main brain thanks to the Mind Embed technique allowing it to amplify his Primordial Instinct technique as well. His reactions and reflexes


his opposition hoping

had no

Apprentices appear before him before, targeting him specifically. They boxed him, looking

him at the same time. Yet

He feinted and dodged, bobbed and weaved, and used his high-grade power, speed and durability to keep up with opponents. Furthermore, the predictive models were being constructed as rapidly as Rui

with his opponents was phenomenal. It was impossible to dodge and block every single attack three Martial Apprentices dogpiling him, however, he could time and place his dodges and blocks correctly such that he could mitigate every single attack. Even if he did not have the ability to also simultaneously launch his own attacks while dealing with the

was until the initial predictive



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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