Chapter 67

While Percival and Vivienne were testing each other, the car pulled into Tranquil Estates.

When Vivienne got them home, Richard and Isolde Ellington had already arrived, along with Leopold Sterling.

Vivienne leered at Leopold, then turned to Percival, “You only gave living expenses for four. Why there are five people now?”

Before Percival could answer, Leopold chuckled and said, “Hey, don’t be so stingy with me, I’m just here for dinner. Plus I brought a gift. The money I spent on it should cover your family’s meal.”

Feels like you’re about to get some bad luck unless you eat some garlic.” Vivienne said.

“You also know how to tell one’s fortune?” Leopold asked.

Vivienne nodded seriously, “I might not have mastered everything my teacher taught me, but


“Haha!” Leopold took a sip from his glass and laughed, “You’re hilarious. I never knew you were such a joker…”


His glass shattered in his hand before he could finish his sentence.

Leopold’s eyes widened, “Wow, it was completely out of the blue.”

Everyone else in the room was also taken aback and stared at Leopold.

“Oh my, Vivienne, you’re amazing. You knew one’s luck just from someone’s face!” Richard stood up in excitement, looking at the broken glass on the floor, “Leopold, you’d better do as Ms. Hawthorn says!”

The elder man Richard was the only one in the room who believed in fortune-telling.

Their generation believed there were unseen forces in the world.

seen them, they’d rather believe they

having seen Leopold’s glass shatter out of nowhere, Richard was even more convinced of the existence of magical

the water was too hot and cracked it. When I picked it up, it shattered You do

denied, “That’s not the way to put it. We need to show some respect to the unknown You’d better do as Vivienne

Chapter 67

with him like

was forced to eat garlic by


still standing here?” Richard

another glass,

We should believe in


The glass shattered again!

hand stiffened in mid-air, mouth agape, and he was at a loss

filled with

so but you didn’t listen. Go eat


had watched Leopold grow up and loved him like a grandson.

some things that you just have to believe. You should listen to Vivienne. She’s been dealing with fortune-telling

fully believe

broken two

gonna happen.” Leopold refused to believe it and picked up another glass. As before, it shattered as soon as he picked it

chair, and as

Richard and Dorian and his wife

we’re poor people who can’t afford your antics. You’ve already broken three glasses and a chair.

working and haven’t even received my first paycheck. If you keep this up, we’ll

head, “You uncouth lad. You can’t make such a mess as a guest in someone’s home. Go

the pressure of everyone, he ate a

Chapter 67

of garlic with at least twenty cloves was hot as

in the room was silent except for

silver needle pierced through Leopold’s glass three times. And her trick

she did it.

frowned. Leopold didn’t know Vivienne.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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