Chapter 141

N&S Psychiatric Hospital in Havenwood was steeped in urban legends. It was said that than of the patients locked within its walls were not just mentally ill but dangerous criminals who, due to their psychological conditions, could not be incarcerated in a regular prison.

Even the doctors and nurses who work there have been known to fear some of the patients. Aside from confining them within the hospital, they seldom exerted further control. In fact, if was rumored that staff members had been killed by patients on occasion.

Now, Arabella found herself in a truly terrifying situation. Surrounded by five menacing men, she screamed out in fear. Kicking the brooding figure who grabbed her, she scrambled to her feet and took off running.

She dashed down the corridor, passing many patients who were wandering aimlessly, engaging in bizarre behaviors that marked them as anything but normal.

Some patients ignored her, others beckoned her to join their games with eerie grins, and some lunged towards her with twisted faces and terrifying shouts.

The commotion of her footsteps and screams woke the sleeping patients in nearby rooms. Lights flickered on one by one, revealing dozens of mentally ill individuals who emerged to either observe her with indifferent eyes or leer at her with unsettling smiles.

The man chasing her, a rather large individual, was still bellowing behind her, demanding that

she become his wife.

“Open up! Hurry! Open the door!” Arabella fled back to the main entrance, but she had previously locked the small door in her panic. She banged on the security office window, shouting for help, but the room inside was pitch black, void of any sign of life.

Terror gripped her, causing her body to tremble as she broke down into a fit of desperate crying.

She made another frantic call to the police. Before the operator could even respond, she cried out, “Why haven’t you sent anyone to save me yet?! I’m at N&S Psychiatric Hospital! Please! Send someone to help me!”

Just as she finished her plea, the large man caught up to her once again. She spun around and dashed away, darting around the hospital like a scared animal, playing a horrifying garne of hide-and-seek with her pursuer.

In her desperation, she attempted to call the Hawthorn family for help. She reached out to Joseph first, but was promptly declined. The same happened when she tried to contact Michael and Beatrice. All of them had switched off their phones.

The chilling automated message, “The number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable,” sent a shiver down Arabella’s spine.

Who else could help her?

Suddenly, she saw Dorian’s name in her contacts, and a spark of hope ignited within her.

Yes, she still had a foster father. She still had a dad.

Dorian would surely come to her rescue, just like he did the last time.

dismissively refused to believe Arabella’s plea for help, accusing her of trying to trap Dorian again. Arabella was reminded

was Cordelia or Dorian, they would never come to her aid again, no matter the circumstances. She had squandered all the goodwill between

Arabella felt

had shaggy hair, wore black-rimmed glasses, and was dressed in a hospital gown. He was absorbed in a medical textbook in

the title “Hippocrates’ Corpus” on the cover,

must have been kind-hearted. He would surely help

Arabella pleaded while tugging at the man’s clothes. “Someone is

from his book, casting a curious glance at Arabella, who was not dressed in the usual patient attire. “This isn’t a place

waltz into.”

being chased, and I saw the door open, so I ran in to hide. I didn’t know this was a mental hospital.”

eyes hidden behind his

My wife!” The large man’s voice grew

hand trembled as she clung to the


over there. You can hide in it.” The man kindly pointed to

Arabella hesitated.

strange inside.” The man reassured her

you, thank you.” Arabella muttered her gratitude before darting into the man’s

heavy footsteps approached.


Chapter 141

skipped a

man with the

Arabella’s heart settled.

run this way.” The large man gnawed on his fingers, his anxiety

finger to his lips, signaling for silence before

large man, seemingly a bit scared of him,

Their search took them to various places. The corner with a giant potted plant, the

man grew increasingly anxious, his fingernails bloody from his anxious gnawing. He looked ready to start

again before suggesting,

afraid of

footsteps growing fainter, her frantic heartbeat finally calmed

took a moment to observe her temporary sanctuary. The room was clean, and the bed was neatly made with sheets that bore the “N&S Psychiatric

table beside the bed was

the right man. Now, she was safe. She pulled out her phone, intending to call the police again, only to find that her

why they hadn’t shown up. yet. She’d given them the exact

previous calls to the Hawthorn family and about Dorian as anger bubbled within her, especially towards Cordelia. She’d answered her call only to cruelly reject her, giving her hope and then snuffing it out. It

if she’d

way? In the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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