Chapter 143

By the time the semis managed to move out of the way, Vivienne and Percival were already out of sight.

On the way back to Bay Estates, Leopold called. ‘Percival, what’s the situation?”

“We lost them.” Percival responded, his face pale from blood loss. “Did you catch anyone?”

“We were too late. Leopold replied bitterly, “They had already left by the time we got there. But they left one of the semis behind. We might get something from it.”

“Alright, they fired shots.” Percival said quietly, “We should have the car towed and check where the bullets came from.”

“They shot at you?” Leopold immediately became anxious. “Are you both okay?”

“I took a bullet to the left arm. Percival replied before hanging up and leaning back against the seat.

“What’s wrong?” Vivienne asked, noticing his face was growing paler. It was even slightly blue. Given the amount of blood he had lost, this didn’t make sense.

Upon closer inspection, she noticed that the blood seeping from Percival’s wound was a dark purple color. This had been masked by his black shirt earlier

“The bullet was likely poisoned.’ Percival murmured with his eyes still closed.


the car.

to be distracted.” Percival sighed, his main concem

life-saving pills I gave you?” Vivienne asked,

people who needed them more. Percival replied with

he had given all the life-saving pills Vivienne had given him to Leopold to distribute among his team, keeping none


couldn’t go to the

in the underground parking lot, Vivienne used a car cover to hide the bullet holes. Then

reveal his muscular upper body. She inspected his wound

Wolf venom!


Chapter 143

quickly retrieved an antidote for

they had waited any longer, his whole arm

taking the antidote, Percival’s

medical kit, preparing to remove the bullet. She checked the medical supplies she

“Okay.” Percival nodded.

didn’t waste any more time. She disinfected the wound and then used a small surgical knife to cut through the muscle of Percival’s left arm. Dark purple blood

sound. But the fine beads of sweat on his forehead betrayed the amount

him a look, then used a pair of tweezers to remove the bullet and place

the venomous blood had been drained,

normal color.

again and said, “Fortunately, the bullet didn’t hit any arteries or We bone. But the venom is problematic. The medicine I have can’t completely detoxify you.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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