Chapter 145

No one responded to him.

As soon as Vivienne entered the building, she saw a dozen or so patients wandering around the corridor. As soon as they saw her, they wanted to pounce on her, but before they could get within three steps of her, she moved her fingertips slightly, and all the patients stood


She immediately noticed that all of these people had been poisoned by Brody,

She walked to the patient relaxation area of the hospital. Almost every row of chairs in the hall was occupied by a few patients, except for the middle row of benches, where only one man sat. He wore black-rimmed glasses and a hospital gown, leisurely reading a medical book.

The scene was quite eerie.

“You’re still as morbid as ever.” Vivienne glanced at the patients in the hall. All of them were frozen in place, looking at her in either fear or confusion.

Brody looked up, pushing up his black-rimmed glasses, and smiled at Vivienne. His tone was polite and gentle. He sounded nothing like a madman. “Specter Healer, you finally agreed to

see me.”

to prison? I might visit you

prison into a poison lab.” Brody replied with

Vivienne said coldly, “I’m in a

head in resignation. A fanatic look. appeared in his eyes as he looked at Vivienne. “Turning you into a part of

Vivienne didn’t want to

Best two out of three.” Brody stood up from the bench, gesturing to the paralyzed patients in the hall. “For the first round, let’s

about we see

healing someone, so it seemed that Vivienne was

Those in the second row turned pale, and those in the third row turned red. Their eyes were bulging from intense

fourth row, the fifth

fingertips slightly Starting from the first row, all the patients

Chapter 145


previously immobilized patients’ conditions worsen again, but they also all suddenly stood up. While dancing and howling, they pounced on

slightly. With a slight move of her right hand, in the next second, these people all stumbled and

his body. The patients began

flash of cold light emanated from her hand, and numerous silver needles precisely hit the

but Vivienne almost simultaneously countered. The silver needles shot from her hand knocked

silver needles mid-air.

The needles fell silently.

up. I won.” Vivienne

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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