Chapter 181

Charlotte came to her senses. She had a look of bewilderment on her face as she walked towards Vivienne. It was only when she held the paper in her hands that she realized what had happened..

She, Charlotte, had achieved the highest score in the city.

“Yippee!” Charlotte jumped with joy. She wrapped her arms around Vivienne and planted kisses on her face.

“Vivienne! Thank you, thank you! You’ve changed my life! I can’t thank you enough!”

“Cough, cough.” Vivienne looked a bit taken aback. “You can let go of me now.”

“Oh!” Charlotte remembered Vivienne’s dislike for physical contact and chuckled awkwardly. “Sorry, I’m just so happy.”

Vivienne rubbed her temples, gesturing for her to sit down before addressing the class. “This was just a test. It doesn’t determine your college entrance scores, but if you can maintain this performance in the college entrance tests, you all can go to college.”

As her words sank in, the students of Class Eighteen rose to their feet with tears welling in their eyes as they chorused, “Thank you, Ms. Vivienne!”

There were no grand speeches. It was just a simple thank you. But those two words held so much gratitude.

After being doubted, feared, and considered outcasts, Class Eighteen had proven everyone wrong.

It was all thanks to Vivienne.

It was she who guided them from the darkness and welcomed a new dawn in their lives.

They could see a bright future ahead.

They could stand tall and be proud.

They could embrace their dreams.

They did not simply feel gratitude towards Vivienne. They admired her.

Vivienne’s heart softened as she watched her students.

One of the best decisions she made after leaving her hometown was coming to Cloudcrest High School to teach Class Eighteen.

She had experienced darkness, so she knew the value of light.

She might not have supernatural powers, but she could do her best to show these students the light. That was enough.

Vivienne raised her hand, signaling everyone to sit. “You don’t need to thank me. Your success today is due to your hard work.”

students of Class Eighteen remained

could express their

is Saturday, and

Vivienne, don’t we usually have classes on Saturdays? And the college. entrance tests are just a week away. We want to study more. We

you.” Vivienne said with a slight smile. “Those who don’t want to

Chapter 181

Dead silence.

Vivienne could hear was the sound of their

like an eternity, someone finally broke the silence with a scream that

my God! Stephen! It’s Stephen! Ms. Vivienne has

could faint! Stephen’s schedule is booked solid until next year. Who would have thought we could see him perform before the

him. Not only did Ms. Vivienne manage to book him, but she also arranged a private concert for us. Being Ms. Vivienne’s student is like winning the lottery! I’ll brag about this for the

erupted in

their cheers, attracting attention

knew what was

Eighteen, Vivienne quietly left

the staff

was lounging on the couch, engrossed

her lips. “Mr. Wolf, I seriously doubt

for a while and hardly had any

have classes, he stayed

comfortable earning a monthly salary of twenty thousand

put away his phone and pulled her into his arms, stroking her head lightly. “I’m here to help you out.” “Don’t you have anything

He used to have lots of things to take care

like he didn’t have anything to

all day

then, there was a knock on the

door to find Leopold and Thomas

there’s been an incident at Rivenwood. Our base

with Percival had progressed, so het didn’t elaborate. “Our base has been attacked.

in his eyes. “Vivienne, do you have a


Vivienne didn’t respond.

to Rivenwood. You should go back to Tranquil Estates. I don’t



Chapter 181

urgent, so she didn’t say much. “Okay,

time. He promptly left

they reached the door, Vivienne suddenly called out to him. “Mr. Wolf!

him a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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