Chapter 194

Matthew shivered under their icy glare.

“The Mystic Mistress said that the engagement was bound to be broken sooner or later, so there was no need to let too many people know about it He


Although he now felt that this engagement was surely not going to be broken, given Vivienne’s importance to Percival.

But upon looking at the menacing look on Dawson’s face, he realized he could not say this thought out loud. If he did, he wouldn’t make it out of this hospital room alive.

Thankfully, after hearing Matthew’s response, the faces of Dawson and his men seemed to lighten up a little.

Donald snorted coldly, flicked his bangs, and said, “I knew that the Mystic Mistress wouldn’t be so blind. The engagement must be a sham.“”

Dawson turned to Leopold, asking icily, “Why didn’t you say their engagement was a sham earlier?”

Leopold was speechless. All he could do was chuckle awkwardly.

He had no idea whether Vivienne was truly intent on continuing their engagement. But he knew that Mr. Ellington’s affection for Vivienne was genuine.

Even if Vivienne wanted to break off the engagement, Percival would surely not agree.

“Regardless, you should not have kept it to yourself.” Jerry pointed at Matthew coldly. “We’ll settle this later.”

They stormed out of the hospital room, continuing their pursuit of Percival and Vivienne.

The nurse, who had been too frightened to speak since the men barged into the room, finally breathed a sigh of relief. She stuttered, asking Matthew, “Sir, did you offend some kind of underground force?”

“Worse than that” Matthew sighed heavily.

He hoped that Percival could distract these men for a while longer, so they wouldn’t remember him and come looking for trouble.

Meanwhile, after visiting Matthew, Vivienne and Percival took the elevator down to the underground parking lot.

Originally, Vivienne planned to stay with Matthew for a while, but Percival urged her to leave, assuring her that his men would take good care of Matthew.

She knew what Percival was anxious about, so she left with him.

Once they got in the car, Thomas backed out of the parking space and asked Percival, “Mr. Ellington, where to?”

car fell silent for a moment.

and he was certain that if he took Vivienne to a

home.” Vivienne said flatly.

to return to

it was time for her to move

that everything was clear, there was no reason for her to stay. Thomas

Mr. Ellington would compromise and begin living

Tranquil Estates.

almost midnight, but Dorian and Cordelia hadn’t slept due to the day’s

despite knowing that Vivienne was safe.

heard the doorbell, Cordelia was restless, fearing that something else had gone wrong. But when they saw Percival and Vivienne standing outside, the couple looked

Cordelia quickly opened the door.

Vivienne said succinctly

into a beaming smile. “It’s

with Percival. If it weren’t for Cordelia’s insistence that their daughter was old enough to make

he thought about his well–raised daughter living with a man.

Percival wasn’t just any man He was

he spoke, Dorian stepped aside to

sofa, and poured herself a glass

she saw that Percival bad followed her

eyebrow at him, her

  1. afraid I’ll have to crash here tonight

Chapter 194

at Percival

her a hook–lipped smile.


disciples had the guts to destroy his house, but would they dare destroy

let them live


looked at Percival, his

had just moved back home, and this man

has been infested with nine mice. It’s too noisy to

of your neighborhood that bad? Do you want me to recommend some

could, that would be


looked at Percival’s serious expression

mouse poison on her nine disciples,

properties in Havenwood?” Dorian asked skeptically.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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