Chapter 202

Percival’s face grew colder the more he listened. From the moment he heard Dorian mention the villa, he had a feeling something was off. As he suspected, it was these annoying men who were up to no good. They took advantage of his absence to claim all the rooms next to Vivienne’s bedroom

Upon hearing the commotion, Dorian and Cordelia came down from the third floor.

After seeing Percival, Dorian and Cordelia paused, only then remembering that Percival was supposed to live with them.

However, they had completely forgotten, and all the rooms on the second and third floors had been taken

“Um…” Dorian glanced around before hesitantly proposing to Percival Percival, would you mind taking a room on the first floor?”

Percival lifted his eyes and smirked. His cold gaze swept over the seven men in the hallway, finally landing on Leopold, who was cowering behind Eric TI take his room”

Jerry and the others immediately turned their attention to Leopold They were threatening him with their gazes, hinting that if he agreed, they would make

him pay

Leopold lamented in his heart as he wondered why he had to be stuck in the middle of this mess

However, now that he was facing Percival’s mocking gaze, even though he found the eight elder disciples terrifying, he realized that if he didn’t agree. Percival would surely make him suffer So he chuckled nervously Tm afraid of heights Ill go to the first floor”

Jerry and the others gazes immediately turned murderous, blatantly accusing Leopold of being a traitor.

Leopold could only pretend not to see them. He slipped upstairs to pack his things, hoping to avoid the battleground that was the second floor

As soon as he entered his room, someone grabbed his collar from behind

Percivals icy voice echoed in his ear. “Did you have fun tearing down my houses”

Leopold trembled, he nearly fell to his knees. He turned around and stammered, “Percival, they forced me. You don’t know how terrifying other eight elder disciples are

“Oh? Percival chuckled coldly “They’re scary, but I’m not? There’s a hardcore training program specifically designed for newcomers at the bureau. How about you lead the team?”

hair stood on end, and he fell to his knees. He was truly begging at this point. He clung to Percival’s legs, pleading, Percival, that training lasts several months! And


brutal training to become official members of the team

and was so brutal

of testing were a living nightmare. Out of a thousand participants, fewer than thirty passed, demonstrating

this sadist, wasn’t satisfied after enduring

revise the training, adding several extreme tests and transforming the Devil

cried out in pain because of this and

the Devil Training; so how could he willingly undergo the more terrifying Hell Training?

away “You think

person in the world. How could I annoy

Do you really believe what you’re saying? “Percival Leopold was on the verge of tears “Please give me a

responded, “Get rid of the eight men

but he wouldn’t

after seeing Percival’s cold gaz, he immediately agreed. Sure, sure 18 make sure (

hastily added. “But they are not ordinary

leather couch as he crossed his long legs and raised an eyebrow at Leopold. How do we take

cats, Eric loves tea, and the fifth elder disciple Percival gave him a cold glance By

like he was about to cry “This is the best method i can think of Otherwise, it won’t be easy to get rid of them” “Heh!” Percival smirked.

the first floor



down after reprimanding Dawson, she saw Percival and her other eight disciples sitting across from each other

and the others glared at Percival with

of his daunting aura as he nonchalantly

Cordelia watched helplessly as the situation unfolded. The moment

tea using the tea set on the table,

coffee, it was nice to try the world

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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