Chapter 211

The news that Arabella was pregnant and hoping to pin it on Percival had barely made its way to Rivenwood this morning when he stormed into Baron’s nursing home to give him a piece of his mind.

Surprisingly, by the afternoon he was slapped in the face by his own grandson, Paul’s actions.

Late at night, in Jewel Park. His grandson had impregnated someone else’s granddaughter and caused such a fuss.

Baron, who had been on the receiving end of Richard’s wrath for a while, took this opportunity to storm into the Ellington family home and give Richard a good tongue–lashing, venting all his pent–up anger at once.

Richard, who had been strutting around in front of Baron for a while, suddenly had to grovel and apologize to him. He was so furious that he couldn’t even eat his dinner and called Percival to complain.

Percival, while on the phone, still had the presence of mind to help Vivienne remove the rose petals stuck in her hair.

“Grandpa, why don’t you ask Baron why his granddaughter wants to pin it on me if she is carrying my cousin’s child? Is she trying to drive a wedge between us Ellingtons“”

“Right Richard snapped back to reality. This is clearly his granddaughter stirring up trouble. If the child is my grandson’s, just say it! We won’t shirk our responsibilities Why is she trying to pin it on you? I need to give them a piece of

my mind!”

With that, he quickly hung up the phone. It was clear that his anger had gotten the best of him. He usually asked after Vivienne but had forgotten to do so today

“So. Arabella is going to become your sister–in–law?” Vivienne arched her eyebrow curiously.

Dorian and Cordelia at the door exchanged glances, and both frowned with displeasure

If Arabella really did marry Percival’s cousin, wouldn’t Vivienne, once she married into the Ellingtons, become Arabella’s sister–in–law?

They were currently harboring ill feelings towards Arabella and would rather avoid her. Naturally, they didn’t want Vivienne to have to deal with her on a daily basis either

Percival helped Vivienne pick up the scattered carnations and placed the Juliet rose in the vase by her bedside. “It’s not easy to enter the Ellington family”

Percival doesn’t want Arabella to disgust Vivienne, otherwise, he would just go with Paul and not care at all.

Nothing was more important to him than his Vivienne.

Pendleton Hospital.

specifically to treat Tristan’s

reputation was so great that other doctors frequently came to her for advice on various difficult cases

University rushed over to exchange medical

could only sit

she picked it up. Whatever she just heard made her raise

quickly. The news of the

netizens who had been slandering Arabella on Twitter had found out

may not be as sharp as Percival, but he was handsome and came from a good background. He was considered a good catch

of insults, was now filled with envy, jealousy, and

in her eyes,

ten minutes, different accounts began to appear online,

all of this “If the child is Paul’s,

older brother and wants the younger brother to take responsibility? This girl is so young and

on her face Since Calista was too busy to pay her any attention, she

and didn’t see her off, turning back to

room. She considered going in to say hello but decided against it given their mutual dislike

if she went in to mock Arabella’s scandal, Tristan would still side with Arabella and might even help her retaliate later

was crippled for a woman who hardly bothered to visit

woman passed by her while on the phone. “Hey, why did

“What? A threesome?”

I saw on the news that you’re getting married

watch the woman’s seductive figure, before following with

Hawthorn Mansion.

the time Ashley returned to the Hawthorn Mansion, it was

housemaid, Cassie, approached her, asking if she’d

right away.” Cassie was about to head

her in her tracks.

family had probably already eaten, and dining alone in

her way

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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