Chapter 426 I Will Give You The Money

As Mary looked at the sensible Tim and then at the useless toxic son she had, sorrow filled her heart.

She turned around to get the medicine.

Tim followed closely after her. “Grandma, where are you going?”

“I’m going to get some medicine. Your wound must be treated, otherwise, it could become serious.”

Mary looked at the bloody wound and was very worried.

“Grandma, you go ahead and eat, I’ll apply the medicine myself!”

With that, Tim ran to the house nearby to find a Band-Aid.

He was accustomed to getting injured during work. After cleaning away the blood, he put on the Band-Aid and ran back out.

As Mary watched on, she wiped away a tear.

She was rather regretful about bringing Tim home back then.

I should have sent him to an orphanage. Perhaps, he would have had a better life there.

“Tim, you must apply medicine before putting on the Band-Aid. The way that you did it will not stop the bleeding.

“Grandma, I’ve already smeared some medicine on it earlier.”

nodded vigorously to

see it,

his arm. She only stopped worrying when she saw that the bleeding

avoid getting water on the wound until

to go and eat our

her over to the dining

“Okay, let’s eat.”

went into the kitchen together, only to see that Raphael had finished eating. All that was left on the table

never would have thought that you can cook so well, kid. Remember to cook more next

fork, kicked his chair away, and walked toward

rage, Mary instinctively pushed Tim

at her son. “I can’t believe you just ate everything! You didn’t leave a little

was very angry as well, not because he had nothing to eat, but rather because Mary

really too much! Why didn’t you

with disgust. “You know, people who don’t know us might think you two are the related ones here while I

that you’re lazy but you’re a gambling addict

shameful about that? I am able to earn money, too. Old hag, you are the one who is lazy and does not work. I only gamble to earn more money. Since you have the time to nag at me about

to hear. Completely ignoring the fact that she was his mother, he

uttered, his heart aching for

me your money!”

He glared at the man


you want to

lifted his hand, about to give

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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