Chapter 433 The Orphanage Has No Record

In the car, Benjamin frowned as he looked at the phone screen lit up with an incoming call. It was hard to tell what he was thinking.

Ethen turned to him and reminded softly, “Mr. Graham, your phone is ringing.”

Benjamin’s eyes flickered. He pressed to answer the call just as the ringing was about to stop.

“Yes?” he said.

“Benjamin, did you go out?” Arissa’s voice came from the other line.

Benjamin’s eyes flickered. “Yeah, I’m outside.”

Arissa pondered for a moment and asked, “Did something happen?”

“No, it’s nothing,” Benjamin replied with a light chuckle. After a pause, he continued, “It’s getting late. You and the children should rest early.”

Arissa felt that he was hiding something from her. “Did you receive news about our child?”

Benjamin was stunned for a second. “No, not yet.”

Arissa narrowed her eyes when she sensed that his tone had grown heavier.

Is there really no news, or is he hiding it from me?

then.” Arissa hung up immediately

at his phone and frowned. Has she

Bradley to check

once she brought the child to Yaleview.

you find

will try,”

records, only

someone deleted the records an hour

An hour ago…

her heart

of them remained in

fist and could not

could think of was that Benjamin could be trying to protect Danna

felt a stab to her

dazed for a long time until her

It was a call

it immediately.

the country, but we can’t find a child of your description…” the director

disappointed. “Thank you, director. Sorry for the

director comforted her. “It’s nothing. Perhaps we didn’t search carefully enough.

hung up and had a worried

about the child, it would

felt her heart sink as she thought something could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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