Chapter 530 The Boss Of Miss York

“I’m having a slight headache!” Mary answered truthfully.


“Her blood pressure is a little high,” Shaun instructed a nurse to give Mary an injection.

“Mdm. Mary, we’ll give you an injection, okay?” Shaun asked.

Mary was comfortable with Shaun’s gentleness. “Okay. Go ahead.”

“Be careful. Don’t inflict any pain on Mdm. Mary,” Shaun reminded the nurse before turning toward Arissa and Tim. “Go and get some rest, okay? I’ll look after Mdm. Mary!”

Arissa was stunned.

“Well, someone is worried that you might not be getting enough sleep. Get some rest, okay, Mrs. Graham? If you don’t, that someone is going to scold me!” Shaun teased.


seems like Benjamin has told him to do

looked at Shaun and asked courteously, “Don’t

her test results aren’t ready yet. I’ll rest after you guys have rested. Go on.” Shaun then turned toward Tim and


glanced at

of relief when she didn’t see much of

rest after this,” Arissa

the rest among yourselves, okay? Since Gavin and the others had already gone back, the cakes are going to melt if they are

Delighted, Shaun sat

just address

answered, “I’m so used to it

Arissa was rendered speechless.

sleepy. Only then did they head toward the room next



cake, right?

at her and said, “Thank


“You’re welcome!” Arissa smiled.

took a napkin and wiped Tim’s mouth. “You should go to

still went to the room next

relieved after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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