Chapter Twenty–Eight



Tomsonic?” I whimper, as he lifts himself off the bed and makes his way toward the broom,

His steps stutter, but he doesn’t born around. I have some things to take of Ito shower. Then he disappears into the bathroom and closes the door without looking back.

What he just happened

My body heats as I attempt to shake the need to have him between my legs and his on my neck. A ignition of rippling hot energy tumbles att longing stronger than I have ever felt before

I want him on me. I want him to bite me

What the fuck? I place a hand over my neck at the junction of my shoulder. My flesh is throbbing in the spot. Almost as if in need mb it out and the pain slots dies.

But why did he stop!

I think I made it pretty clear of what I wanted him to do to me.

Maybe he’s still feeling guilty about last night. Or maybe, he feels like I pushed him in our le escapade by stroking him in his sleep

(did kind of molest hom didn’t t

But I’m not sorry about it.

Or… maybe after the waterworks I displayed at his questioning, he was afraid I was on traumatized to duck properly. God. Rolling my eyes I slide from the bed just in I hear the shower go on. Grabbing a imel from his closet and a few items from the bag he brought over from the condo, I make my way out of the room and down the hall to the other bathroom. Opening the door, I don’t notice the steam right off. Nope. All I can see in the glistening caramel skin of a taut male ass.

Quinidin shock, his eyes going wide at my obvious approval. “Fuck” He shouts

Scrambling for his towel, he slips on the wet floor. Feet going high enough in front of him that I can see the neatness of his clipped toils – he is momentarily airborne before landing with a ground shattering thud onto the floor. Which places his head right at my feet and his junk on full deploy,

I comment, stifling a giggle and laying my towel over his crotch

he groans, wincing as he lay there in shame.

so that

turned around so that he could adequately cover himself.

the fuck?”

standing just behind me probably has been from the moment Quinn landed and the face he wears is not one of moment. In boot, he looks downright stary- If you don’t count the water trickling down his abs

him to retrieve ander towel. “Are you finished almady?” I ask from his bathroom doorway, noting that he probably isn’t, because

toward mom the bedroom doorway with so much force that I back against the wall. “What the buck were you be

about to say will piss him off. “Nothing last sold him about how you’re nothing



Chapter Twenty–Eight

me later.”


calling tease? If I remember correctly, I didn’t even have to remove your pants to get you to come

yourself? Your hand? Really? Even Margo got more than

you want to be? Margo?”

skippery chest. He does’t so much

hot and dominant a moment ago dissipates from him yes. You think tim

my teeth. Do

he steps in closer to me, tipping my chin up with one hand. Hes. There’s so much that you don’t know about me in way I wanted to the way I WANT to would be criminal if I

lift my back from the wall and press into him just a touch more. Then, as I lean toward his car, i air hand to tront of his towel, smiling when I find he is still as hard as stone. His body shudderes his hips pushing his dick harder into my palm. I

is an attempt to contain whatever demon he is battling against. “T.. can b

phone on his

kiss. “Can‘ you tell how much I want you?” Tongue going deep his hands clamp down on my ass and he holds my body flush to his. I moan against his lips, my bead filling back as his mouth travel over my jaw toward that place that aches for his teeth. The phone rings a second time as my nais raked over his chest. “I have to answer he says, ripping himself away

hall whi

strides out the bedroom door and into the hall where I hear him say, “I’m on my way. Don’t let that fucker love.”

facker? Who in the hell is that

the ban Who knows? One thing is for sure…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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