Chapter Forty–One



I watch through the window of the cabin, my eyes trained on the fully shifted lion they have lain out on the table. I can see the doctor. His greasy black mustache and beadle eyes glinning off the panel lighting up above him. Tubes are stick out of Gryff’s hind leg pumping blood into a bag the doctor has draped over his back. A low growd sounds from about forty feet behind me on the bill. It’s Logan seruling to me that someone has eyes on Marcus

Perfect. It’s time. I let out a long howl giving the okay for the others to attack. The gal is to get the Dee Vas and Marcus out to the open and in the range of Timmons dant. These two assholes sean 1 be expecting webes, but they will be expecting hints.

Trades and Gayle tear down the front door, tempting the notice of the two panther inside the cabin. Just as expected, the good doctor. tranquiline pum while Marcos shifts into full panther form. The sight of that bastard hijacks my blood pressure up about five hundred per tear him apart piece by fucking piece and sodomize him with his very own parts for the years of abuse he inflicted on Dren

With our operation in full swing 1 leap from the boulder just behind the cabin and land with my full weight on the mel. A mile down Rain, and Quinn shit and spread out. Their job is to keep watch on the perimeter just in case lo shows up as we suspect he

Not for one minute do I believe that Marcus fully intended to change Michael into one of them. I’m sure whatever promises made to him was meant to be broken. Michael was just a play. An extra lab rat. Someone they could manipulate into an active duty deco

Doc Vas shoots down two lionesses with darts. The female go down outside the cabin and Marcus does exactly as expected. He leaps out the front door and directly in Tinslee of sight.


Ther the shot before it hits him. Unfortunately, Marcus doesn’t go dren with the first hit. He says, falling forward on all fours until he spies me on top of the cabin and let out a howl of frustrated anpr.

I grow as Timmons second shot pieces the night air, lodging in the fallen panther domen.

I leap just as Do Vas stumbles outside, a rifle in hand that he points directly at me.

kill you before you can take him, Doc Was hisses

I snarl and the look of fear in the doctor’s yes pleases me, I know what he sees. All too large to be real. With eyes that understand every move he makes and Lings like rames that reflect the moonlight with the sweet promise of death

To not afraid of his pathetic gua. Not with Goose standing behind him, a forty five peching the base of the doctors skull.

“Drop it,” Goose commands

And just at I suspected, the good doctor smarter than the average bear, so he does


curses, lowering his head. “I’m going to get dressed.”

He saunters up the companionway, granting me his back and leaving me to soak in his words.

Med to mated with anyone.


as he saying that Domonic and are d

I stomp my food in Inustration. “We’re not done talking about this!” I shout up at him before whipping out my phone to send a text.


Nov 13 DO

Chapter Forty–One

me with Koda. Ho great without a shirt. He’s also a ser you are. Oh and RTW

at my message, thinking I hated Domonie mough to

is enough to change my anger into something much harder for

of dead fall over me at that

thought and I have

Ham a jerk.

safe from the one man I have been running

did I expect him to do?



Please. If you don 1 answer me soon, I’m going


appear letting me know that he is typing, I drag it

Thank God

yacht just so that

What happened? Is


the hell does that mean? You’ve

Wed, Nov

Chapter Forty–One


I have to know that you’re okay. I have to


that. Not this close to the full moon


have to


me when you get to the


me from my stupor and I glance up from my phone

around to head back up on deck,

trees and all the sharp black rocks that surround the shoreline. Chappy waters slam against the cliffside of what appears to be the highest point of the und A the story structure boom in the darkness. The only house visible from the sea. The entire it can’t be more than ten feet across, it is that small.

mark, taking Koda’s outstretched hand. “You pups own this too.”

Then dominoes, twenty lights on each side of a stone stairway go on Lighting path leading all

take our time climbing up toward what appears to

are there out here? I ask my head on a swivel at se on the mainland. “And what’s

stairs and I am greeted with the most

obviously built on the highest point giving any who are up her a full

this place built five years ago. It’s our parkhouse, But we’ve never used it. Anda says softly unlocking the front door with his palm. “It locks behind a coded entry

to reveal a small keyboard and computer screen. Koda types in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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