Chapter 043 Jenny collapsed, advanced liver cancer

“Come on, go to the hospital, Moore said that grandpa fainted and is being rescued.” Jenny finished this sentence with a complete trembling.

Grandpa was already so old, and his health was not good originally.

She couldn’t imagine whether grandpa could come out well once he entered the emergency room.

She was afraid.

Too scared.

However, at the traffic light, Jenny noticed that Barret didn’t turn.

“Go to the hospital, Barret, where are you going?” Jenny was furious on the spot.

She was pale with anger.

Barret had his hands on the steering wheel, still composure.

Barret held his two hands on the steering wheel, still maintained composure.

Compared to Jenny’s panic and nervousness, he didn’t seem to be affected at all and was always calm. Compared to Jenny’s panic and nervousness, he didn’t seem to be affected at all and was always calm. “Jenny, don’t worry, from what I know about grandpa, he may not be sick.”

“When I was young, my grandfather often lied to me with sick tricks, I was cheated many times. Maybe my grandfather didn’t want us to divorce, so he used illness to trick us into going back.”

Barret thought Jenny would feel more at ease, at least calmer, after he said that,

However, it was completely unexpected.

Jenny glared at him angrily, and said in an even more angry voice, “Barret, what do you mean?”

“I don’t care if you have been deceived by grandpa, or what kind of guesses you have made, even if grandpa is pretending to be sick, I will rush to the hospital immediately and rush to his side.”

“You turn around and go to the hospital right away.”

Her life could no longer withstand any assumption.

was not in good health originally, when she went to

and much older.

was true, she

not allow grandpa to

was fake, even if her grandfather was

personally confirm that her grandfather

hospital, Jenny rushed straight

the emergency room light on, she instantly became weak and almost slipped off


a very

that she was about to

and Lionel were both outside the emergency room, and their faces were heavy, Barret

this time it


bright red letter, and his heart suddenly hung.

stood aside, his two eyes were red, as if he had aged a lot in

are you hiding something from us?” Barret was

raised his head and spoke in a low voice: “Now, mom can’t hide it even if I want to, besides, it’s

advanced liver cancer, a month ago, the doctor issued a critical illness notice saying

Lillian’s voice trembled, unable to speak at

Grandpa has brought forward his 80th birthday,he’s afraid that he won’t make it to that

for you, he blocked the news and didn’t let anyone tell you.”

crying and leaning against Barret’s arms, her whole

the father-in-law to tell her this personally, she

white-haired, warm and kind grandfather who loved her dearly,

the time she knew it, it


did she only

eyes: “I don’t believe it, you lied to me. “Since I was a child, my grandfather liked to lie to me about being sick, so that I could be obedient, and this time is the same, right? I know, he doesn’t want me to divorce Jenny, I promised him that as long as he gets better, I

I listen to him

take it for a while, but what he

can go to the doctor to check the medical records, three months ago, grandpa was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer.” Barret’s eyes were scarlet, and his cold eyes looked at Lionel and asked, “Three months ago? Since already knew it, why didn’t

shouted his name angrily

you know it, why are you hiding it from me?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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