Chapter 023 She Might Give Up After Heartbreaking

And it’s the same for Mr. Smith’s father who also left his excellent wife alone and went outside to find another


But the Old Smith treated Old Mrs. Smith well. Since they were married, they respected and loved each other very much. They never quarreled because Old Mr. Smith always gave way to Old Mrs. Smith in everything. So even if the Old Mrs. Smith had passed away for so long, the Old Smith always loved her and had never

remarried, only her a wife.

More than ten minutes have passed.

Jenny made several phone calls to Barret.

But the last call was answered by Laura.

What’s happened?

Wasn’t he already on his way back?

Why was the phone answered by Laura?

Was he going to bring Laura to Grandpa’s birthday?

Jenny was in turmoil and she suddenly didn’t know what to do with herself?

Did he mean that he didn’t want to wait anymore and he was going to introduce Laura to everyone by bringing

her here?

What about her?

What position did he put her in?

Jenny’s face turned pale instantly, and with a snap, the phone fell from her hand.

Seeing this, Kay hurriedly picked it up, “Mrs. Smith, what’s wrong? You look pale. Did Mr. Smith say something?”

Jenny nodded blankly, “No. Excuse me, I’ll go to the bathroom.”

Standing by the sink, Jenny suddenly looked like she was going crazy, desperately pouring cool water to wash

her face.

a long time, when Jenny’s face was so cold and her hands were turned red with

at herself in the

most gorgeous and beautiful clothes, the

but at this moment, she felt like a clown,

promised that she would mention the divorce to

birthday was over.

a day left.

couldn’t even wait for half a day.

and the water kept running inside, Kay was afraid that something had happened

got a little

moment, Jenny opened the door and looked at Kay with a gentle smile, “I’m ready.

waiting for Mr.

head, “No, he’ll be back

her to wait anymore.

bathroom, Jenny thought many times about whether she would go to

she could refuse, but she came

she did not want to disappoint her

for another reason.

when Barret introduced Laura in front of everyone and denied Jenny’s existence, she


give up completely if she

the table was basically full of guests, with only

empty seats.

that the remaining seats were for

seemed that Barret had not

“Jenny, come on, sit next

“Okay, grandpa.”

nodded obediently and sat down next to Grandpa

empty seat beside Jenny and

What the hell is

arm, smiling sweetly, “Grandpa, you really wrong

it. We all know that Grandpa’s birthday is

you won’t

Grandpa Smith looked

a sweet-talker and Barret can piss me off when he

round table, when Lucy saw Jenny talking to

girl being


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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