Chapter 008 She Had to Get Pregnant in Three Months

What a smooth tongue.

Unfortunately, Laura was just a clown in front of Lillian.

“Jenny is Barret’s wife, the daughter-in-law of the Smith family. Do you think you can compare yourself to her?”

“It’s only natural for her to use Barret’s money. Not only Barret’s money, but all the money of the Smith family is at her disposal. And she can use as much as she wants forever.”

“As for the present, even if she gives him a leaf, Grandpa will love it and keep it as a treasure, whereas even if you give him a leaf made of gold, he won’t appreciate it, and you will just be making a fool of yourself.”

Laura had just opened her mouth when Barret grabbed her wrist and gave Jenny a quick look.

Jenny felt miserable.

But she immediately grabbed Lillian’s arm. “Mom, Barret and I are choosing a present for

Grandpa. Now that you’re here, help us out!”

Jenny smiled brightly and her voice was warm and soft.

Lillian’s voice softened. “I can’t really help you, because Grandpa doesn’t need anything. And I think you both know what he wants!”

Jenny did know what Grandpa wanted, but she also knew that Barret didn’t want it.

So she could only play dumb in front of her mother-in-law.

Lillian looked directly at Barret. “Don’t tell me you don’t know that the present Grandpa wants

most of all is a great-grandchild.”

It was better not to talk about it, but when it came up, Lillian was furious.

“Look at you, it’s been two whole years and Jenny hasn’t had a baby. If things keep going like this, I’m going to suspect that something is wrong with you.”

Jenny was speechless.

Lillian was really nice, just blaming her son.

If it were any other mother-in-law, she would have accused Jenny of not getting pregnant and

being physically weak.

Jenny felt so warm and fuzzy inside as soon as she heard that.

“Mom, this is a public place. Please save me some face.” Barret rubbed between his eyebrows

with a distressed look.

“You don’t want to lose face, so do I? You know, when I go out with those rich women and they

ask me if I have any grandchildren, I just want to find a hole in the floor and hide.”

Jenny was embarrassed.

Her face flushed.

think that you’re still young and want to give you more time, so I never stepped in.” “But this time, Barret, listen to me carefully, I’m giving you three

Can’t you be reasonable?” Barret looked worried.

Go to the hospital if you’re not having a

at Jenny. “Keep an eye on him over the next few months and report to me if

and nodded.

was terribly embarrassed.

biting her lip

to hold it back, she would have

sigh of relief

going to have a baby with her, are

as vulnerable

pursed her lips silently.

vulnerable and pitiful,

superb man like Barret was no exception.

answer was

I won’t leave her and me with

relief for Laura to

said gently, “Barret, why don’t you go

I want to buy

if time had been

ears and stood in a daze as

struck by lightning.

not tell what was going through her mind,

looked over at Laura and said in a soft and weak


her hair again to reveal the earrings and smiled. “You mean these?”

Jenny clenched her

the other day and thought they were really nice. I liked them so much that he gave them to me.”

bit her lip, feeling a twinge in her heart.

was the “hiccup” Barret had talked about.

wrong with the earrings, so he couldn’t get them, but

them and he gave them to her.

Laura said she liked them, so he generously

between loving and not


Jenny immediately interrupted him. “You don’t have

had been done, there was no

feelings, she said lightly, “So, are we still going to get a present


Laura needs me today. I’ll keep her company and



car, Jenny looked out at the view that passed by, but her mood had hit


“A great-grandchild?”

her hands resting gently on

intercourse. Barret used contraception almost

he would also tell her to take some

had been on

in such conditions were really slim to none.

she was pregnant, she wouldn’t have dreamed of

was a “hidden

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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