Chapter 897: Planting Seeds & Sandy's Return

Within the largest tree of the multiverse, Artemis, Nature’s Attendant and the avatar of Yggdrasil, remained even after Dina had been teleported away.

The Primordial seemed to be in thought for a moment before turning to Artemis. “Either you have made significant progress in a very short amount of time, or the aura of the Viper’s Chosen has even affected you despite the briefness of your encounter.”

Artemis didn’t even hesitate to agree. “Undoubtedly, albeit the effect is nothing compared to what Nature Attendant’s granddaughter experienced.”

“Even so, this proves it even works on gods,” Yggdrasil continued. “Tell me, were you aware of the change taking place?”

“No,” Artemis shook her head. “Only after I deeply inspected myself did I notice anything.”

“I see,” Yggdrasil nodded. “Any changes to your divine realm?”

“None,” Artemis once more shook her head. “I do not think there are any tangible changes in any form. It’s more like a shift in perspective. It’s not that much different to how when I feel the aura of the Mother Tree, the auras of others just seem insignificant in comparison, even if they are more powerful than myself.”

“Are you saying my aura is insignificant compared to the Viper’s Chosen?” Yggdrasil asked in an amused, almost joking tone.

“That is…” Artemis said, taking the question entirely serious. “In some aspects, yes. There is a sense of… superiority within his aura. One that naturally has to exist above any other, suppressing others not out of any desire or choice, but simply because it’s expressing the rightful way of the world.”

“His aura matched that of Valdemar’s in pure quality,” Nature’s Attendant chimed in as he frowned a bit. “No… saying it matched Valdemar’s isn’t entirely accurate. It simply clashed with Valdemar’s, not allowing it to gain any dominion where not allowed.”

“And that which was not allowed to be imposed upon included Artemis,” Yggdrasil said with a smile. “I am beginning to understand your interest in him.”

“Does that mean-“

“You have my permission, but wait,” the Primordial interrupted Artemis. “Wait till he matures. Grows into something more sustainable than he is now. While attention is good, even the most rigorous of plants will wither if given too much.”

“If he perishes, his Bloodline will disappear with him,” Nature’s Attendant added in a serious tone.

Yggdrasil just smiled. “If that happens, perhaps it’s simply nature correcting itself. That, or he will be able to overcome even the natural balance. Either way… I look forward to seeing what he grows into. Ah, but feel free to continue planting the seeds for a budding future; it would be a shame for someone else to reap what we failed to sow.”

With these words, the avatar Yggdrasil faded away, leaving Artemis and Nature’s Attendant behind as the two of them didn’t wait before they left the Mother Tree, both with quite some food for thought.

In the multiverse, countless Paths existed. The vast majority did have significant overlap, though, falling into either the camp of crafting or fighting. Extrapolated a bit to include monsters, this meant either being in charge of creating and rearing the next generation, leading their kin, or fighting. In fact, of all Paths in the multiverse, one thing was a near-constant:

Fighting and killing.

Even those who focused on creation tended to leave a mountain of corpses in their wake. It was simply how the multiverse worked. To battle was the most simplistic form of displaying superiority over others. No matter how good of a crafter you were, what did it matter if others could simply rob you of your creations or kill you outright?

Yet, some Paths did exist that didn’t revolve around fighting. Jacob was one example of this. He was purely in the “creation” department. He helped guide people to improve their Paths and was a leader and spiritual guide of sorts. One could almost say he was a crafter of other people.

either creation or even fighting. Those who didn’t particularly fit into

lawn, ripping up the soil and making a real mess of things. Sandy had a Path that didn’t require them to craft


eating stuff that belonged to those who

quite frankly, was borderline useless in battle. All the big worm could do was ram people or try and eat them, and based on all Jake knew, Sandy could only really eat those a lot weaker. The purpose of eating them also

multiverse due to the lack of self-defense… well, Sandy seemed to be doing pretty well for themselves when Jake used a quick Identify as he,

Cosmic Genesis Worm – lvl

her a high elf now? Speaking of, why is it even called a high elf? Did she even get taller? Oh, wait, I ate this thing called a Highmountain-something, and that one was from a high mountain, so that name made sense…

elves… but it’s probably to signify it’s a higher race of sorts compared to usual elves? While the stats aren’t different compared to regular elves,

Sandy’s question deserved. “Anyway! Jake! I heard you’re back,

find this

back indeed, and I did do stuff on a Leaderboard,” Jake smiled, honestly happy to see Sandy again. The big worm was always

the expectant

all do with a snack, and while I’m not sure if Jake has anything you find appealing, I hope my offering

waved her hand as a bunch of lockboxes appeared, making

given to me by the top brass should I encounter the Chosen of the Lord Protector,” she quickly clarified with a telepathic message as she

does smell good… just a second, I’m on a bit of a diet and have to watch what I eat, so I’ll just have

man wearing an expensive-looking suit

where am I!?

as they sucked the man back in before spitting out another suit-wearing man, this one

services?” he asked the second he

That stuff over there!” Sandy said, the man

the others before his eyes opened wide as he bowed. “I

there, don’t mind us and attend to your matters,” Jake quickly said, Meira nodding in agreement. With their approval, and while dealing with the pressure of being in the presence of three Chosen, the man went over to the offering and began to go through them with a clipboard. While that was interesting in its own right, Jake was more

Jake asked, confused as he turned

that was

“And who is Tom?”

“A guy I ate.”

you eat

is: why wouldn’t I eat

looked at Sandy as he sighed. “You know what?

quality over quantity and stuff like that. Basically about me

hunting weaker prey. He could totally see Sandy only benefitting from certain kinds of

handled. The Boundless Hydra was very good at eating stuff himself, so Jake

bit. “What are your plans regarding this Prima Guardian system event, by the way? Are you heading back to Earth with the rest of

thing said that beasts who consumed unique system-given stuff in the early days aren’t allowed to fight against the big boss, only alongside it, and, well, I ate a lot of system-given stuff

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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