“What is this? God of War?” Caitlyn squinted her eyes to read the name written on the document, “What’s written here? Garrison something?”

Caitlyn was trying to figure out the full name on the pass when she was startled by a voice from behind, “What are you looking at, Dr. Black?”

Caitlyn had to put the pass behind her before she could get a good look at the name.

“Oh, nothing.” Caitlyn grinned.

The voice belonged to Jelena Keaton, who was eyeing Caitlyn suspiciously.

“I see, fine.” Jelena shrugged and left.

Unbeknown to Caitlyn, Jelena had been standing behind her while she was checking the Officer Pass. She had even quietly taped down the process with her cellphone.

Jelena sheepishly sneaked to a discreet corner of the hospital and took out her phone.

“Officer, I want to report a theft by Caitlyn Black of The Third District Hospital Cardiac Surgery department.” she whispered over the phone, “I saw with my own eyes that she had stolen an Officer Pass along with a bank card. There was a bunch of chips too, I bet there must be some confidential information inside. I have even taped it down as proof, Officer.”

“Whose Officer Pass is that? Did you see the name and rank?” The officer asked from the other end of the call.

“Oh, it belongs to the God of War, Officer! I am absolutely sure of that. I have the photo and the video to prove it.”


air. A succession of police cars

of police officers donned in bullet-proof vests charged into

Caitlyn was arrested and tucked into the police

rest of the stuff, including the photos and videos taken by Jelena Keaton,

City District Police Station, where the defenseless Caitlyn

nature of the incident alarmed the Captain of Patrol Squad, Xavier Fields, since

Officer Pass carefully with

sucked in a deep breath and said, “This is

“We need to be absolutely sure about this, Captain. Why don’t we get someone from the

buddy, Steven Shaw to come and check it out. He’s from the First Metallic Regiment

those cards. But we

Xavier Fields ordered, “I want you

Inside the interrogation room.

even though she had almost run

us! Where did you get

my son-in-law!” Caitlyn said

spouting rubbish!!! Do you know the importance of this Officer

idea…” Caitlyn stared at

to the God of War!” The


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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