To the Rogers family, being noticed by the Kirin King of War was a blessing to Oswald!

Anthony Rogers was more exhilarated than any of his other family members. It was a great honor that his son had received such a flattering compliment from Kirin.

Audible whispers could be heard from the crowd.

They were all envious of the attention given to the Rogers family by Kirin.

Kirin had even made a special mention of the successor of the Rogers family! It was almost unbelievable!

Glenn and Anthony shot each other a meaningful look.

They were both burning with hatred for Levi Garrison and wished that they could skin him alive at this instant.

If Oswald had not been injured by Levi, he would have been able to join the other members of the family at today’s ceremony and receive compliments from Kirin in person.

It was entirely Levi Garrison’s fault!

“Sir, my grandson is still in the hospital recovering from his injuries.” Glenn did not dare to deceive Kirin and gave a truthful reply.

“Oh, it’s fortunate that he’s in the hospital though. At least it’s not the crematorium,” Kirin said with a wry laugh.

“Huh?” The Rogers family members were puzzled, as they were unable to comprehend the meaning behind the man’s words.


“This way please, Sir!”

stage and to his seat—the center

was the seat reserved for the most important guest of

only the Kirin King of War

would dare to claim

other military officers, including Steven Shaw and Yash Warner, all stood up respectfully and waited for

him, Kirin was also

officers and the King of War gathered together to celebrate

man, and said, “Sir, please take your seat! We have specially left

seat, Sir!” Yash Warner said to his

remained standing at the spot and did not

nor walked away. He was simply in a daze as he

to do or say next, especially the

Kirin be thinking

read the thoughts of a

taking a deep inhale, he plucked up the

this is the best seat

Glenn was a little puzzled at the man’s question, he gave a firm nod and answered, “Yes, indeed!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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