Zoey nodded. “Yes. I suppose they’ll be asking for compensation too.”

Levi sipped from his glass and said with a smile, “That’s alright. They’ll regret their decisions soon.”

“What do you mean?” Zoey was puzzled.

“Be patient. Someone will invest in that project very soon,” Levi comforted her.

“Do you have a plan in your mind?” Zoey looked at Levi curiously.

“Don’t worry. This matter will be resolved after today,” Levi assured Zoey and her parents calmly.

But they were not convinced by Levi’s words because they were up against the North Hampton Chamber of Commerce.


of Commerce was controlled by the 4 ultra-wealthy families in the cities, under the management of 8 council

board of directors, Alaric Taylor,

seek revenge on Zoey and her

project withdrew their capital because of a single command from

as they could easily sever all connections related to the

that day. They demanded a large amount of compensation and prevented anyone from

were interested in the West City Ecological Park project initially because of its promising prospect. The potential investors immediately erased the thought in

should salvage the

there. Zoey’s employees handed their resignation letters one after another. Even

his business partners did not step a toe out of the line.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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