His two companions said in confirmation, “That’s right. We tested it three times and it failed all of it! Your product is of inferior quality!”

The young man Tony looked at Iris with disgust in his eyes, saying, “Morris Group, I’m warning you. If you continue to send in product like this, I will still reject them!”

“Hmph, you guys better think over it! The inspection result was way below acceptable!”

“The next test is in a week’s time!”

Tony left quickly after that.

Morris Group was not given even a chance to appeal!

Iris and the others hurriedly read the quality inspection report.

Finished reading, everyone was furious.

The reason was exasperating.

Iris and the team suspected that the quality inspection department had failed the product without even examining it.

The issues they had highlighted on were totally irrelevant to their products.

It was ridiculous!

Immediately, they realized that someone had sabotaged them.

have failed

didn’t want Morris Group’s products to

Levi walked leisurely toward

“What happened?” He asked.

the situation and Levi

was impossible for that procedure

have someone

Bureau personally this afternoon and insist for an inspection on the spot! Let’s see who dares to fail it. After all, this has been approved by the Defense

this work?”

you have other

was silenced


was calm, sipping his

leaning against the back of his

number, “Jesse, I’ll go straight to the point. Who is


that I’m inviting him over to Morris Group for some tea!” Levi smiled

called the Logistics Minister and asked him to invite Samson, the person-in-charge for

Shortly, Samson arrived.

definitely the highlight of

the God of War? Man he


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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