A group of people entered the house soon after.

Harry looked up and realized that he did not know any of the intruders.

The middle-aged man who looked like he was the boss came in and saw everyone looking devastated.

He yelled furiously, “What is the meaning of this? Why is the Lopez family of North Hampton in such a terrible state? You lot bring shame to our family!”


Harry and the others were stunned.

Were those men not here to demand payment?

“Excuse me, but who are you?” inquired Harry.

“You don’t even recognize me, Harry Lopez? I am Dustin Lopez from South City!” Dustin barked.

“What? The Lopez family from South City?”

Harry stood up immediately; he would’ve gone on his knees out of respect if that was appropriate.

the others

a member of the

others were concerned, that

visiting when



“Fine, the Lopez family from South City will deal


and the others

from South City will deal

a gift from

business into North Hampton. You lot will play an important role, so your troubles must be

made the

City is coming to North Hampton? Does that

of North Hampton would play an important role in South City’s Lopez family’s development

the city. That would help the South City’s Lopez family build a

South City’s Lopez would help anyway because they would be earning hundreds of billions in

didn’t mean much under

took Dustin less than a day to solve all of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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