As soon as the news broke, everyone in Quebec went into a frenzy.

Everyone from the upper class society to the underworld were shocked!

Mr. Yates is already causing great commotion the moment he came out of retirement after thirty years.

Gathering his former troops and his disciples?

The guy must be out of his mind!

Something big happened at Quebec!

Mr. Yates had been angered!

Everyone from the underworld from all thirteen cities in Quebec gathered up their men and headed towards South City as soon as the news broke.

It was a terrifying scene to see busloads of men being sent to South City.

Not only that, but Scott’s disciples also were scattered throughout the thirteen cities, and were engaged in various types of occupations.

They gathered their forces to prepare for the funeral in three days.

that they would be able to gather at least tens of thousands of people

again, everyone

the real

after retiring for thirty years, he barely had to lift a finger to gather

Quebec was aware of his

blind eye, it would be hard

as they don’t cause any civil unrest, they were free to organize the funeral however they

At Mount Amethyst.

and Typhoon sat opposite

as if

hair turned white overnight, making him

gathered. We have eleven thousand people thus far. Not only that, your disciples from several provinces nearby are also on their way. I estimate we will have thirteen thousand people in

Scott nodded in acknowledgement.

to quell your bloodthirstiness because I

bloodthirstiness had indeed toned down over the past thirty

pick up your sword


asked Typhoon

people. However, he was asking Typhoon to

enough indication

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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