The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 180

Emmeline’s return to the café with Abel took Sam, who happened to look over, by surprise.

Sam found it hard to believe that Emmeline would be caught dead with Abel.

Did the pair get back together?

As if Abel was really here to inspect the landscaping, he went up to the platform.

“Ms. Louise, what’s the situation here?” Sam asked Emmeline in

hushed tones.

“He’s here to check on Mateo’s work, and nothing else,” Emmeline replied.

“Seriously?” Sam was skeptical.

Emmeline glared at her. “What’s going on in your mind?”

Sam stuck out her tongue.

She refused to believe that Abel did not have other thoughts in mind.

“Emma, do you want to see if there’s anything else needing sorting out?” Abel’s voice came from up the ladder.

“Did you hear that? It’s purely for work.” Emmeline told Sam.

Blinking, Sam gave a nod.

As if she took Emmeline’s word for it!

Up on the platform, Abel wore a white shirt and rolled up his


He took off his jacket and put it on the swing.

you look at the details

told, Emmeline could not wrap her head

all it mattered was

details were the least

to take a look since Abel

something moving in

and leaves aside for


of her lungs before jumping into Abel’s

her from falling and asked in shock, “What happened? What

“C-Centipede! Ah!”

three things that crawled under Emmeline’s skin were snakes, centipedes,

would kill her

of these three animals.

was that she had


while carrying her further

like she had seen


“The centipede will come and eat me if I sit on the

to do some pest

Emmeline clung to Abel

pesticides, so you can get insects. All it takes is a little pest control. That’s all,” Abel

her head as color returned to

tenderly into Abel’s eyes. “Thank you for inspecting the garden. Otherwise, I’d

smiled. “It’s

that’s a heavyweight killer


drew close for a kiss on

is what you get


soon filled with rapture.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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