Chapter 162


I didn’t go out to see the people, it was a fool’s mission. I figured the best thing to do was to ignore them and they would leave but by the next morning, they were still there. According to the I from the guards, the line had increased

reports HEF considerably and a few of them had slept there overnight. It was insane to say the least and it didn’t matter how many people came out to tell them that I couldn’t heal them, no one wanted to listen to it.

If I was being honest, I didn’t blame them, they

were terrified and this was the only slither of hope that they had. It was cruel to rip it away from them but it was a from them but it was a

necessary evil. They were too disruptive and they were causing a lot of concerns around the palace. Even the elders were worried, that much was obvious the moment they called Ryker and I for another emergency meeting.

“You have to find a way to get rid of them,” one of them said. He tried to hide it but he was tapping his feet anxiously and wringing his fingers. “They cannot be allowed to stand there for so long. If they stay, they will overpower us.”

“What do you suggest I do?” I asked folding my hands in my lap. “I cannot just throw them away. I am one woman, and I don’t have the capabilities to heal them.”

“Don’t you?” he asked and I raised a brow.

“Is there something that you are insinuating?”

“How did the man get healed so quickly? We know you could heal people from the time of the vampires. You have been suspiciously quiet about your abilities since then. You know how to heal them, why don’t you just do as they ask and get it over with?”

I stretched out my hand to him. “If you want to take the blood right out of my veins then go ahead but I hate to tell you that it will do you no good. My powers died with the vampire king. They were given to me specifically to outsmart and thwart him. The moment he died, there was no use for it anymore.”

It was a huge bluff but one that I was willing to take. Under the table, I felt Ryker slide his hand over my thigh. It was a simple gesture but one that meant the world to me. I kept my eyes fixed on the elder almost taunting him to say something. He was quiet for a full minute before sighing.

“We need to find something else then, something to make them believe that they are healed. Perception can be a far greater tool than reality,” he offered. “If you



Sat, 16 Mar

Chapter 162

to heal them, if you could bless them then maybe they will


to their homes and they are not healed? What happens when they realize that

brunt of their anger. Angry people make for terrible subjects and I

“You are the one they want.” The other elders began to whisper in agreement. “You need to do something to appease


so do it and do not bother me until it is done. If there is anyone with a legitimate condition that seems out of the ordinary, bring them to the physician and he will heal them to the best of his abilities,

looking down at me with a proud and amused expression on his face. Once I was sure that they understood, I stood to my feet and Ryker followed suit.

from laughing out loud. He followed suit soon after and we stood there like children giggling in the hallway

them in their place,” he mused after he had calmed down. “I guess they won’t

eyes. “I just want the people to go back home. We worked so hard to keep this under wraps, the

you hadn’t healed the man like I suggested,” I didn’t bother responding because I knew his words held no bite. “It doesn’t matter now anyway, this is what we have been dealt with and we have to make the best of it. Let us hope the elders are able to send the crowd away.



Chapter 162


how sad she was when she got the news today. I couldn’t risk her safety by sending her out in a carriage

fine,” I mumbled more to myself than him. I hoped that by saying it, I would

ask because some things were better off left unsaid. I was just relieved when I looked out the window and there was no longer a long line of people waiting for me. It turned

an eye out for the man that I had healed. I wanted to be updated on his whereabouts, what he did and who he spoke to daily. From the feedback I got, he spent most of his time- indoors with his family. A few people had tried to visit him but he hadn’t come out all day.

in my own thoughts that I went through the night time. motions on autopilot. I didn’t even realize when I had finished dinner or taken both daughters to their rooms. It wasn’t until Ryker put his hands on my shoulders and steered me to

before I could ask,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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