Chapter 47

Now that Bruce was missing, there was no way they wouldn’t be afraid.

The previous night. Bruce would not let anyone follow him. The bodyguards did not dare to disobey him, nor did they dare to let him out of their sight.

Thus, all they could do was follow him sneakily. However, Bruce drove too fast.

Within minutes, they had lost him.

They searched all night but couldn’t find him, and that made them even more frightened!

At seven o’clock in the morning, the alarm clock rang, and Joanna got up to turn it off.

Nowadays, she was a terrible sleeper and would only sleep for three or four hours a day.

Last night, because of Bruce’s interruption, she only managed to get less than two hours of sleep.

In the living room, Bruce was lying on the couch, sound asleep.

As he had lost a lot of blood, his brain was very deoxygenated, which was why he was particularly sleepy.

After Joanna got up, he was still asleep.

Talia got up as well and gazed at Bruce on the couch with a look of resignation. “Miss Haynes, what should we do about him?”

“Leave him be. Just let him sleep!”

After Joanna washed up, she was ready to make breakfast.

With Miranda being away, Talia had to take care of Lilia.

Thus, Joanne had to prepare breakfast by herself.

However, she only prepared simple meals.

Sometimes, it would be as simple as a sandwich or a salad with boiled eggs, served with a cup of strong coffee.

finished making

face had swelled up even more after he

and was an appalling

white bandage on his head had also leaked a little, looking yellow and

what are you

“It’s morning now, so

you going to keep me for breakfast?”

have to work later.

Bruce instantly softened his tone. “I think you’ve been hurt pretty badly too, so why don’t you take a day off? Anyway, work never ends. There’s no need to work so hard.”

this, her heart clenched even

have had to work so hard if he hadn’t

if she did not fulfill her promise to the company, she

he was the one who had cornered her

there, saying nonsense to

with your pretense. You have to go now!”

there’s been a misunderstanding between us!”

don’t want to hear any more of

trying to force him to get out of

us! I’m sorry for not knowing the truth until

hear anything you have to say. If you don’t go now, don’t blame me for being discourteous to

two of them tugged and pushed at each other, a sweet and crisp voice rang out

Who are you talking to? Has

blankly at the room’s door. “Who’s calling you?”

face, Joanna shoved Bruce toward the front door. “Just go! Don’t stay in

room?” Bruce ignored her and walked straight into the room.

You’re not

desperately to stop

strong enough to do so.

if he was injured, Bruce was


opened the


that she was unable to stop him, Joanna barged into the room first, afraid that Bruce

eyes on the little girl who was lying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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