Chapter 99

Joanna had just stepped into the elevator. Before the elevator door closed, someone had already pressed the button to open the door. The elevator door slowly opened again.

Bruce walked in with a cold expression.

He was not wearing a suit today. Instead, he wore a knee–length overcoat with a black shirt underneath. His hair was still meticulously combed on top of his head, with a few irregular strands loosely hanging at the ends.

He exuded a strong presence with a hint of wickedness. He was incredibly handsome!

However, when Joanna saw him, she felt a sudden intense feeling of anxiety. She involuntarily pressed herself against the clevator wall.

Seeing her frightened reaction, Bruce did not show any anger. Instead, he had a calm expression, and he did not ask her why she had snuck out yesterday.

Joanna’s heart was beating rapidly. She clenched her fists, ready to defend herself at any moment.

Fortunately, Bruce did not make things difficult for her. He ignored her presence as if she was invisible.

As the elevator slowly ascended, Joanna felt extremely anxious. The atmosphere was tense, as if time was passing at a snail’s


One minute later, the elevator arrived at the office floor and the elevator door slowly opened.

Bruce did not even look at Joanna. He walked out of the elevator first.

Then, he walked straight to the conference room.

The Haynes Group held a meeting every morning at nine.

At nine o’clock, the high–level executives would gather in the conference room. They would report yesterday’s work to their superiors and convey today’s instructions.

Bruce walked past everyone. The high–level executives, who were chatting and laughing, instantly fell silent when they saw


employees greeted him one after another.

and entered the

saw this, she became even more terrified. For a long while, she remained hesitant and

here at the

right! It’s scary. Will he do

for the

I’m so nervous!”

executives adjusted their expressions and walked into the conference room with a serious and restrained demeanor.


Chapter 99

Joanna still had

be late and anger Bruce. They could not

to work

impossible. I just saw Miss Haynes

go and call her…”

toughed it out and walked into the

in, more than ten pairs of eyes



of Bruce, Joanna felt extremely anxious about being watched. She was somewhat uneasy when she walked

She was even more afraid of getting too close


and tried her best to calm down.

had prepared was completely forgotten due to fear.

Joanna said. She stood by the other end of the conference table, without any


Haynes, this is today’s

yesterday’s purchase data and the progress

have already been signed. Please take a look, Miss Haynes. The high- level executives reported their work

send them all to my office

in today’s meeting. I

a closer look later. Today’s meeting is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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