Hearing footsteps coming from the stairs, John said directly to the phone, “I’m busy here right now, so I’ll be hanging up.”


After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Sophia wore shorts with suspenders and white sneakers, while her hair was tied up in a ponytail on this day, making her look charming and energetic.

As John’s gaze fell on Sophia, it took a while before he looked away. He only realized now after they had divorced that Sophia’s appearance had changed too; she seemed to look a lot younger.

He tried hard to remember how Sophia looked before, but he couldn’t remember it clearly. Nevertheless, all he remembered was her dull personality, looking depressed everyday, which made her appear older than her current self.

Sophia looked at John. “Let’s go. I’m all ready.”

With a grunt, John turned around and left the house first. They locked the door and the two went into the car.

As soon as Sophia got into the car, she took off her shoes and sat cross-legged on the chair.


Glancing at her, John wondered when she developed this habit of crossing her legs. In his memory, she didn’t have this habit before.

The car drove all the way to Logan’s clubhouse.

Since it was the middle of the day, the streets were quiet and there weren’t many people around.


changed his clothes. Even though he was still in pajamas, they were light gray in color. The clothes fitted loosely on his

he quickly ran out of the clubhouse. “Finally, you guys are here. I have

out of the car and looked at him, a little disdainful.

glare. “I changed my clothes



make a

the three of them went up to the second

just start the game like Logan wanted as they were still missing one player, so Logan took John and

private room had a larger space, and there was a large

to the size of actual race cars, and



at John. “Wanna give it

John smiled. “Sure.”


probably be heard by the people in the shops across the street. Then, the projector screen came down. In front of the race car, a realistic looking track

long legs and

understand the driving test book, let

game started, John sat in the race car and swung the steering wheel

I’m getting sleepy just by looking at it, Sophia thought to herself. So, she took out her phone and sent a message

a long time for Ian to reply. When it came, he said that he suddenly had something to deal with and that he couldn’t

stood up before shouting to Logan who was not far away, “Ian said he has something to

he drove the race car, he didn’t take it seriously when he heard Sophia. “Tell him that he has to come. I’m waiting for him. I even got

John was driving in, looking excited for some

about it,

took a long time for Ian to pick up as well, and his voice was lowered when he said, “Sophia, I have something to deal with now, so I can’t go over. You guys have

she heard a woman’s yell. “So we look like pushovers to you, is that right? So you think my children are not a part of your family? That they deserve to be bullied like this? You think a b*stard like yourself can move against the main family? Come

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