Sophia wore a frown as she questioned, “Why are you dining with us?”


Zack was visibly confused by her question. “Do you mean I should watch you eat after all the pain I went through to bring you food? Of course I’m going to dine with you two!”

Upon turning to meet Zack, John said, “I noticed you seem to be less afraid of me.”

Zack let out a giggle. “I noticed that I always feel more balanced while in her presence. Boss, didn’t you notice that your temper gets better whenever she’s around?” He said that while glancing at Sophia.

A frown formed on John’s face as he stared at Zack for a while. “No, I don’t think so.”

With his bowl in hand, Zack began eating without a care in the world. “It’s true! I don’t lie! Even your expressions look different when she’s with you!”

John let out a sneer while he retorted, “You’d better find time to go to an ophthalmologist.”

While lowering his voice, Zack told Sophia, “I nailed it. It’s just that he never admits that I’m right.”


heart flutter, which was probably because he rarely did so. Such a rare show of his compassion was enough to make

conversation, the fact that nobody would respond to him was a little underwhelming. They keep on

letting John carry her. She sent him off as soon as they arrived at her room, but he turned to look at her while standing by the door, then he said in a lowered


mean that you’ve lost your chance. You still live within

as if she was staring at a

bluntly?” After checking that John was nowhere to be seen in the corridor, he went on, “Isabelle obviously fancies your ex-husband, so are you

toward Isabelle, Sophia shook her head. “Absolutely



get together with Isabelle! Simply watching out for her is not enough. I

said nothing, which made Zack a little anxious. “Oh, you little—Don’t you get me? Aren’t

but Zack rambled on before she could even open up to retort him. “The sole reason that they still aren’t

to do now is to prevent that from happening! So how should you do that? The easiest way would be to have him fall for someone else, such

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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