Upon pondering for a while, Sophia replied, “Yes, I’m going to the shop tomorrow. I’ll call Robin and tell her to come with me to see how the shop can be improved further since she has prior experience in doing this.”


As Zack agreed, they ended the conversation.

After washing up, Sophia lay down on the bed.

Having walked around for the entire day, she was so tired that her body couldn’t take it anymore.

It required energy to go shopping.

Not long after she got into the bed, she slumbered off to the slumberland.

However, she awakened in the middle of the night as she was thirsty. Perhaps the meal she had had earlier was too salty.

After touching the bedside table for a while, she recalled that there was no water on it.


It was a torment to get out of bed and go downstairs in the middle of the night.

Squinting her eyes, she walked out of the room and saw that there was some light at the staircase.

The lights in the living room had been turned on.


She remembered that the lights downstairs were turned off when she went up the stairs.

on the railing to take

was seated

of wine and an empty glass on the table in front of the



want to meet him face-to-face at that moment because she was still angry

she was unbearably

her that she would

her right as

a look at her, he immediately retracted



Sophia directly went to the kitchen and took a battle of mineral water before

entering her room, she closed the door


no longer sleepy. John is acting weirdly today. What is he trying

Then, she picked up her phone and realized

Why is he not asleep at

was no way she could

gap at the door and

noise came from the garden, so she quickly walked up to the windows and gazed out

Why is he going out at

he must be going to have a drink at this time. Worse, he might be accompanied by

then, John’s car directly moved out of the house and disappeared into

with the quilt

couldn’t be solved even if

had fallen asleep, her worries continued to

John and Isabelle. He had gone to look for her unashamedly as they had

she could control her dream, she would

the dream, John was very gentle to Isabelle—a side he had never shown

wasn’t upset at all as she had prepared herself psychologically to face this

wanted to

married in public. While she was restrained,

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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