In the end, Mrs. Constance refused to take the hint and insisted, “Just get me a driver to give me a lift. Since I’m now an eyesore to the whole family, I guess the rest of them just can’t wait to see me leave. Apparently, the men of this family don’t need a wife because work always matters the most to them. Stop trying to persuade me to stay because I have already made up my mind.”


Staring at her for some time, the butler indeed stopped trying to talk her out of it and arranged a driver to give her a ride home instead.

As soon as she departed, the butler called William right away to tell him about it.

William, who was not in the mood to hear about her, just grunted in acknowledgement and said, “I’ll be back later since she’s away.”

The butler was left speechless right after he said that.

After ending the call with the butler, William gave John a call to ask him whether his mother had really left.

Lying on the bed, John switched on the hands-free mode and put his phone beside him as he answered, “I think she’s left. I heard that the Baileys visited us not too long and had a chat with Mom. Guess they were discussing strategies just now because right after the Baileys left, Mom started to pack up her belongings and departed.”

William sneered, “Seems like the Baileys have overestimated themselves. Perhaps, your Mom is to be blamed too because she’s been very keen to get on good terms with them.”


Thinking that Isabelle was her perfect daughter-in-law, Mrs. Constance had tried very hard to bring about the marriage between John and her.

Therefore, that attitude of hers had very likely sent some misleading messages to the Baileys.

William started sorting out his stuff at his office as he told his son, “In that case, I’m coming back home now.”


attitude, John asked,

“I’m not. I’m truly exhausted after putting up with her for

what his father said, John didn’t make

place was



was great at spicing up the gathering because he was

was an investor who had investments in the entertainment industry, he knew

the juiciest

the showbiz and hence could only laugh along with him without actually knowing who he was alluding

each of them opened a bottle of beer



get any better when they got

booze, Sophia took some photos of their gathering and shared them


finally knows when she should post photos on social media without


the photos,

are still

to him

that, Zack sent her a voice message via WhatsApp which she wasn’t hampered from clicking just because Logan and Ian

her John had been so busy trying to deal with his scandal on the internet that he barely had time for

having such a good time as if nothing

to think that being all anguished was the only way she should

the culprit who stirred up this whole mess, why can’t I enjoy my meals? Why should I bear the consequences while it was your boss who wasn’t being careful enough when he went

I’m under any obligation to react in a certain way for his sake because we haven’t been related to each other

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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