Old Mrs. Constance agreed with Zack’s comment. “Yes. Just look at how happy and lively she has become now.”


Sophia was totally different from her old self now after experiencing a tremendous change.

In fact, Old Mrs. Constance didn’t really fancy girls like Isabelle who was obedient and reserved because she thought the mansion would be too quiet with her around.

Now that she reflected on her whole life at her advanced age, she thought she had abided by the rules too rigidly.

Therefore, she preferred to spend time with young people with a lively and vibrant personality now.

After saying that, Old Mrs. Constanced shifted her gaze to John again and said, “I think your relationship with Sophia has improved a lot recently because the way you look at her has changed.”

Dumbfounded by her comment, John stared at the elderly lady and echoed, “The way I look at her?”

Old Mrs. Constance nodded at him and chuckled, “The way you look at her now is different from before. I can’t really pinpoint the reason but I can notice that you’ve been treating her much nicer lately.”


John pondered over it but his effort was futile because he was of the opinion that he had always treated Sophia the same way.

Zack thought about it too and he pointed out, “Boss, you treated Sophia with much more patience during that business trip.”

However, John just laughed his comment off before slowly rising to his feet. “Both of you are wrong because I know myself best. I’m sure that nothing has changed, be it Sophia or me.” Then, he said to Zack, “Since you drank, you may spend the night here or choose to have the driver send you back home. Just do anything that suits you because I’m going upstairs to get some sleep now.”


There was no doubt Zack would not choose to spend the night there because he wouldn’t be able to sleep well on a bed other than his own.

too bothered by his choice, John then made his way

he looked in the direction of

company as William had headed



while before he turned around

wine, he straightway threw

his phone rang just shortly after

his phone and checked the caller ID before picking

voice that he had had



a while did she

was no response from


out that your family actually had a talk with my family before this. Did the

John was not

would turn out this way. I was really too frightened

anything else to tell me?” John


added, “I’m hanging up if

he disconnected the call

he shoved his phone away

slept soundly the entire night without being disrupted by

it took him a long while before the fact that he had moved out

to wash up before heading downstairs and found Old Mrs. Constance already

up so

who had returned to his usual

up early this morning

and asked, “Where’s Dad? Has

in the morning and left without having breakfast. I suppose there’s a

a little while before heading to

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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