Screeching, Matilda scrambled backward. Without saying a single word, Sophia kicked her twice more. All at once, Matilda wailed. Never had she been treated such, so she wasn’t just hurt physically, but she also bore the brunt emotionally.


Gritting her teeth, she stretched out a hand to grab her cell phone that had fallen out during her fall. “Just you wait! I’m going to make a call right now. I’m going to phone John and have him see your viciousness for himself!”

Sophia chortled. “Make haste, then. If you’re too slow, I might just beat you to death later.”

Trembling, Matilda phoned John. John was still in the office, so he was a touch surprised when he received her call. He initially thought that she was calling to grouse about William, but as soon as he answered the call, he heard her howling, “John, come over quickly! I’m about to be beaten to death by that little b*tch, Sophia!”

John startled. “Where are you?”

“I’m at the house you gave Sophia. Come quickly! If you’re late, you might not see me anymore!” Matilda bawled.

John promptly sprang to his feet. “Where’s Sophia?” As soon as his words fell, he heard Sophia’s caustic voice as she barked, “Hurry up and get your son here! Let me tell you, the knives in my kitchen are very sharp, so killing someone takes just a blink of an eye.” At this, he no longer asked further because he more or less knew what had happened.

Snagging his jacket, he strode out, only to bump into William when he exited the office. Upon seeing John in such a hurry, astonishment suffused William. “Are you leaving?” The Baileys will be coming over in a while, so he definitely has to stay and discuss how we’re going to explain the matter to the public.


seem to have

taken aback, William’s brows knitted together. Immediately after, he

pursed his lips. “I’m going over to have a


“I’ll go with you.” She’s an unreasonable person, so

said nothing. The two of them went downstairs and got into John’s car before speeding toward Sophia’s house. They were delayed by two

sprinted into the house as soon as they climbed out of the car. The living room door was open, so from afar, they immediately spotted Matilda sitting on the floor, her appearance disheveled. Meanwhile, Sophia was sitting on the sofa with the

up from the floor with all her might, she griped in



wasn’t all that better. Earlier, Matilda was so terrified by such a look from her that she

She appears to be in a sorry state as well. Someone has obviously pulled her hair since it’s

didn’t even spare him a glance. “Ask her. Just ask her

and clutching at William’s shirt, her expression giving him a severe headache. This

“Mom, why



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