Chapter 22 Husband

Henry’s fingers delicately traced the contours of Evelyn’s face, and with each tender touch, a silent language of desire unfolded. The air became charged with anticipation as their lips finally met in a passionate kiss, a moment suspended in time, immune to the world outside.

The car, however, conveniently arrived home. David halted the car, swiftly getting out and darting away hurrily.

Their embrace deepened, Evelyn felt the heat of Henry’s breath against her skin. His hands explored the curves of her body with a gentle urgency, creating a symphony of sensations that


Chapter 22 Husband

echoed through the confined space.


Henry forced her down, making her back crash against the seat. He unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants, allowing his manho**od to firmly stand out freely. He grunted as he lifted her skirt…

He smacked his in her entrance, pushing it deep into her…

She whimpered as her core widden to his size. Her whimpers faded into a moan as she began to move her hips against him. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.

wild, they were only half–dressed in

After having breakfast

of the hottest investments, so even before the auction started, the venue

in the front row, his gaze wandering through the crowd, searching for the

that if Evelyn didn’t show up this time, he would pretend not to have heard the

the bathroom.

noticed his intentions and, reluctantly, had to


was aware that Henry would definitely be unhappy with her visit,

Mia in the crowd, she was about to find Henry when her wrist was tightly

around and met a pair of cold eyes – Henry’s. She knew he was angry, and she was even more

curving her lips into a sweet smile, revealing her bright white teeth.

“Finally found you.”

extended her arms, like a scarf, wrapping it around the man’s neck.

Chapter 22 Husband

bit by bit, clearly not believing Evelyn’s

only the silhouette of Henry


me; don’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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