Chapter 815

The name Benjamin Stone was entirely unfamiliar to Felix, but he was beginning to piece together the situation. In ancient times, emperors were often called the Sons of the Dragon, and their presence was described as "dragon energy". Felix, with his unique possession of the Dragonspine, could very well radiate such a presence. Was it possible that this man knelt and called him "my liege" because he sensed the dragon energy emanating from the pen? "Stand and speak!" Felix commanded.

The strange man obeyed immediately, rising to his feet. His tangled hair fell away, revealing a face marred by dirt and scars. Beneath his grimy exterior, Felix saw the features of a middle-aged man, his eyes cloudy but occasionally flashing with a murderous intensity. It was clear this man had seen countless battles, his energy thick with the bloodlust that only came from waging war-and winning it. Such a presence was impossible to fake. Nala and the others edged closer, curiosity etched across their faces, though they kept a cautious distance.

Seeing his words treated like divine orders, Felix pondered for a moment before asking, "What is your relationship to Bartholomew Stone?"

He could not believe it, but the situation was far too strange to ignore. Even the Thirteen Aces among those so-called Super S-rank wanted criminals, who had killed countless people, could not have such a strong murderous presence. Bartholomew was one of the most famous generals of the Bronze Age, ren med for repelling invaders and overseeing the construction of the Great Fence and vast

"Bartholomew is my elder brother,

elder brother," Benjamin replied solemnly.

A collective gasp echoed among

The revelation was staggering-this man

their shock, his heart pounding as he processed the impossible. While history recorded Bartholomew's younger brother, Brayden Stone, there was no mention of a third sibling named Benjamin. Before Felix could respond, Benjamin knelt again, his voice trembling with

liege ordered me to shadow Francis to ensure his loyalty. At first, all was well, but when we crossed the sea to this land, Francis betrayed me. He attacked and used my body for his experiments, turning me into this... abomination "I awoke recently, drawn by the presence of that treacherous man's energy, but

Despite his hatred for Francis, Benjamin's body seemed enslaved to forces beyond his control, compelling him to kneel

Chapter 815

were at odds in a

stay by my side from now on," Felix

"As you command, my

moment, Felix noticed something peculiar. The pen, now infused with six distinct energies,

excitement impossible to hide. "The merging with you! This isn't just any artifact. It might even surpass an



Is that what they called this there?" Felix asked, raising an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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