Chapter 328

In fact, when he saw the news, lan told himself that it must be some company with the same name announcing its bankruptcy–and not the Eastdawn he invested in!

Certainly not after he just signed the new agreement with James last night!

He stood in front of his desk as he turned off the news, clutching his chest as he repeated to himself,” Calm down. Calm down. My investment is fine.”

After doing nothing but standing around for a long while, he finally picked up his phone to call James. No one answered.

Losing all composure just then, he headed out of his office to find out what the hell happened.

Just as he stepped out of the front door of the Light Group headquarters, he spotted Quincy nearby, rushing toward him.

“lan, is it true that Eastdawn is bankrupt?” she asked–she had come after hearing the news too. “I’m going there to find out,” lan said.

“I’m coming with you,” Quincy told him–this was too important.

If Eastdawn really was bankrupt, their investment would have been for nothing.

To make things worse, they might have to take responsibility for the defaults following the new agreement with James signed just yesterday!

my own. You should settle the matter with

left staring from behind

The timing of the

time to think–her phone

to return to Jefferson Manor, and was telling her to go

and hung

car, she spotted Kathy in a nearby

They were acquaintances?

foreboding feeling caught

James and Kathy…

noticing the connection in an

her, which she used to topple Isaac. However, it turned out that Light Group was

possible that none of it was coincidence, but a mastermind’s

someone looking at her, and turned to see through the glass walls that Quincy was nearby.

herself from smiling at the thought that she had

right in betting on

road between her and the cafe, just as James and Kathy got up and were prepared to leave. Still, she caught them just as they

because no one else would have such influence or would

Quincy a cool look of disdain. “Ian Jefferson signed an agreement with me just yesterday. He now holds 80% of Eastdawn shares, so he’s now the

wobbled, stumbling backward, and had to hold a handrail on the way to keep standing. “No, that’s impossible. He’s not that stupid–he wouldn’t sign such an agreement for no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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