Chapter 338

Irene did not really have an appetite in the first place, and even less so after learning hints about Isaac’s past.

As a child, Irene herself had been constantly pushed around by Lionel. She could not do everything as she wanted, and life was less than happy.

But when compared to Isaac, she was–at the very least, her parents were not murdered.

Considering that, and the fact that Isaac himself was almost killed too, she could imagine how harsh life had been for him and could not help sympathizing.

James perceived her mood right then, and said, “Well, we’re going to return the favor soon.”

Irene nodded, but since she was eager to eat, she got to her feet and said. “You boys finish up here. I’ll go check on Tommy–Isaac is probably hungry now.”

When she returned to their room, however, Tommy was already asleep.

Isaac was in bed, his eyes closed–there was no telling if she was asleep or napping.

She walked quietly up to him, arching her back to get a look at his face.

“Isaac?” she whispered.

When he slowly opened his eyes, she said tenderly, “You should have dinner. The food would get cold.”

did not move, and

“What’s that

even as he reached out to fiddle

you fallen in love before you met me?”

into relationships, just as she

a medical license was

for Isaac to suddenly ask about

So that it was fair because she kept someone in her heart too, so that they could let

then, blinking her starry eyes as she softly

he quickly pressed on. “What’s he

looked away and lied. “He was an

he handsome?” Isaac asked.

was the hottest guy back then. All the girls

now, yes? He’s not as rich as I am, is he?”

amusement from his childish

letting her smile fade, she asked, “Have you

hungry. I should get dinner,” Isaac suddenly said, evading

“You haven’t answered me. Be honest–did you fall for anyone before me? Like someone you’ve kept hidden in your heart.”

on that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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