Chapter 344

Mrs. Watson arrived just then and asked, “What’s going on here?”

Tommy was asleep, and if this went on, the baby would wake up.

Even so, Stan put his finger on his lips and shushed her!

As Mrs. Watson quickly turned silent, he explained softly to her, “Don’t disturb him.”

He knew why Isaac was seething, and that Isaac was just venting at the moment.

After all, Henry had raised him, but tried to use that as leverage against him.

Though Isaac never did anything to Quincy because of Henry, how did his grandfather repay him?

He was probably hurting because the one who hurt him was family.

“Should we ask Mrs. Jefferson to come home?” Mrs. Watsons quietly asked.

Stan agreed that it was a great idea, since Isaac needed company right now.

“Yeah, do it.”

Irene’s number, and she sighed, shaking her head.


Isaac stood with his hands clasped behind his back in his study. What remained of a teacup lay beside his

was towering yet lonely–light filled in but was just illuminating just half of him, keeping his expression inscrutable, and his

Melville Hospital, Irene was

at the hospital as his student, and would assist him in every surgery

letting her do all the menial tasks, affording her no

operating room, but before

center drawer of my desk. Make sure no one sees it,” he

“Okay,” Irene replied.

she glanced at the

face back at Jefferson Manor in another photo. It was kept in a photo frame beside a box, and when she knocked

the patient’s photo held a strong resemblance to

resemblance was striking… Could she be a relative

only daughter, and she also learned from

was gone, and without any relatives alive in that

are known to exist in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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