Chapter 348

Then, she felt herself fall into a firm, warm embrace!

She curled up by instinct, and turned to look at Isaac, asking softly, “What are you doing? You scared me.”

Isaac watched her and growled, “You’re the one who stayed naked to seduce me.”

Irene was speechless. She did not even want to be naked, and he was the one she was for!

She whispered pleadingly, “Look, I’m tired, and I’m really late.”

“Yeah,” he said softly and carried her into the shower… and then did nothing.

She had been losing weight, which made him restrain himself.

Suddenly, Mrs. Watson was knocking on the door. “Mr. Jefferson? Stan Hill is here. He says it’s urgent.”

Irene heard her and shoved him. “Go.”

Isaac kept staring at her. “You don’t want me to leave at all, do you?”

speechless–she did think so but would never say it. Smiling, she reached out from the bathtub, wrapping her hands around his neck and splashing him with crystalline drops of water. “Stay here,

knocked on the door

“Mr. Jefferson…?”

towel as

door, he asked, “What is

a grim look. “Something just

an envelope, and he opened in to

changed the instant he saw

“Come with me.”

closed the door and headed to the study with Stan in

for little over ten minutes before leaving the mansion, and were

Tommy a peck on the cheek and said, “Please take care of

I should do.” Mrs.

Watson, who took good care of Tommy so that

when she remembered something. “Has Isaac

Watson replied. “It sounded like

Irene nodded.

about Quincy. She would be in court today, and a verdict

come to talk about

it should have been a foregone conclusion,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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