Chapter 350

Irene was left stunned for seconds, before coming to her senses and firmly pushed Harvey away, snapping angrily, “Are you crazy?!”

Why did he suddenly wrap his arms around her? Who did he take her for?

However, because she had her back to him, she could not see the reaction on the other man’s face–he could only see Harvey smirking despicably.

“Sorry.” Harvey then quietly apologized.

Irene glared at him. “Just agree to your mother’s surgery already.”

With that, she returned inside Melville Hospital through the back door, never looking back as she did–or she would have noticed Isaac glowering.

Harvey naturally did that on purpose when he saw Isaac there, and hugged Irene to annoy Isaac.

After all, Harvey never managed to get the better of Isaac, and just wanted to annoy him a little just then. Naturally, Isaac’s glower left Harvey feeling cathartic, and the latter smiled for the first time since his mother was taken ill. Even then, he pretended to be sympathetic and told Isaac, “Don’t misunderstand- I’m here because my mother was just hospitalized, and Irene was just trying to reassure me. You’re not going to be that petty that you’d be upset, right?”

Beside them, seeing how Harvey was in need of a beating just then, Stan raised a fist right then.

a hand to stop him. “You’d just cheapen

You know she’s married with a child, but you’re still being so clingy. It has to be either because you’ve never met women, or there are issues with your upbringing… Or maybe that’s how your momma

never be this

But not his mother!

worried about upsetting him.

at him and grabbed his collar, growling furiously, “You asked for

stand a chance?” Stan was not afraid at all, and actually looked as if he had already won–he

going to take it from him, and

man if he did not defend his

actually surprised that Harvey would do it, but was only

men wrestled, Isaac wrinkled his brow as

not be wasting time

then–being born into privilege and leading a comfortable life, Harvey stood

he growled at

Isaac, wiping his mouth as he explained, “I shouldn’t have done that,

nothing, since Stan

through the back door and went looking

was drafting the surgical procedure as Stephen had told her to, and was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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