Chapter 361

Irene had seen the person in the photo before–she was sorting a patient’s file for Stephen, and he had told her that the patient had special privilege.

However, the patient’s photo left an impression on her because she resembled Isaac’s mother.

But why did Isaac have a photo of this woman too? Was she the reason he went abroad?

She spaced out as she pondered when the door suddenly opened.

She looked up and found Mrs. Watson standing there, asking, “Ma’am? Sorry, I thought you were asleep, and I saw a light in here…”

Irene tucked the photo inside the envelope and returned it on top of the desk. “I was asleep, and was thinking about reading a book.”

“I see…” Mrs. Watson replied, but she was clearly skeptical.

Irene smiled. “It’s true.”

Mrs. Watsons smiled in return. “And here I thought you can’t sleep because Mr. Jefferson is away.”

Irene was speechless–did Mrs. Watson read her mind?

started to leave. “You should turn in, Mrs. Watson. I’m going to bed

“It’s fine, ma’am. You should do whatever you want to do.

under the impression that she was here to reminisce about Isaac since all

was not that

she herself was busy and there was also the mess with Whitney.

book, and fell asleep after reading a couple since

all the way to the next morning.

she remembered that her

a little disappointed when she turned it on to find no missed

well and decided

something to do this

Stephen thought that the issue with Whitney got to her, and said. “It’s

something I have to do. I’ll come

up to

fed Tommy, who was now

when he was older, since he was still quite the pudgy baby at the moment.

eight, and Irene left Tommy with

court–Isaac was absent, but she should make the trip there as

utterly enfeebled, with her lips dry, her eyes lifeless, and her cheeks sunken.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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