Chapter 366

Harvey snapped, “What’s that look for? Are you so drunk you can’t tell who I am?”

Irene was disappointed. “Could you shut up? I thought you were Isaac…”

Harvey was speechless, before snorting in frustration and rolling his eyes. “Why, so that you can keep pretending I’m him? There isn’t an ounce of resemblance between us.”

“Of course. You’re not as handsome as he is…”

Harvey was left speechless again.

“Could you stop talking about him? No matter how great he is, I’m the one who has to take care of you


“Why can’t I talk about him? He’s my husband, and I miss him. I can talk about him as much as I want.”

Irene had no filter now that she was drunk, and could easily say what she usually would not.

Her words left Harvey utterly speechless in turn–could she stop hurting her ego like this?

“Go home and flaunt all you want,” he said with a snort.

Did she not get embarrassed from mentioning Isaac so many times?

Irene wobbled up to her feet just then, but just as she tried to head to the washroom, she inadvertently knocked over a bottle, which shattered on the floor with a loud crash.

her by surprise and she lost balance, almost tripping–Harvey, however, reacted quickly and caught

in his

Harvey was speechless.

the floor. Can’t you be nice?” he growled, stopping short of

on getting

straight, Harvey then asked,

then burped

at the smell of alcohol that struck his nose right then, just as Lulu picked

going,” she said as Irene returned from the washroom,



phone suddenly started ringing, and she

waved at her dismissively.

she got it out, and it actually was

“Hello…” She answered it.


Irene’s eyes widened. “Zachary?”

however, Irene snapped, “Hey, Zachary! How could you hurt Lulu like

unhappy. “Where

“I don’t know.”

going to hang up when Zachary said from the other end, “I know you do,

was much drunker than she was and

are we?” Irene turned

a hand. “I’ll tell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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