Chapter 134

After everyone left, Rosalynn looked at Wayne: “It was such a mess today. You have to go back to your old house, night?”

“No, I’m not going back”

Wayne said, trying to hold Rosalynn’s hand

She avoided his touch “People are around…”

Wayne suddenly felt empty inside

Yeah, they could be recognized and photographed, which could cause trouble.

He knew all those risks in the past, he and Rosalynn maintained a good distance in public, like a boss and subordinate.

Back then, Wayne didn’t feel anything was wrong

But what’s going on now?

“I need to go back to Paige’s place, pack up my things, and move back to my apartment in the next couple of days” Rosalynn continued, “You take your car, and I’ll get a


with her, but it seemed she didn’t want

dont want to be with me now?” Wayne asked.

stood under a sycamore

yellow leaves fell at her feet.

up at Wayne, her eyes empty ‘President

Wayne’s heart thumped

then. Il pack up


looked back at her. She wasn’t like this when she

It seemed to Wayne that his sincerity towards her had been trampled upon

turned cold, and he

stood there for a moment, then her expression changed, she hailed a taxi and headed in the duection

Rosalynn quickly went through the chaotic day again

she remembered Heatherway saying they’d take care of

front looked at

Do you need to go to the hospital?”

Rosalynn shook

driver stopped saying anything more.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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