Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 29

After that, Gerald added the luxury private room that was worth more than two thousand five hundred dollars per head.

Those who could be in the luxurious private room were naturally the most popular students in the classroom—Danny, Xavia, Yuri, Cassandra, Gerald and his roommates, and last but not least, Naomi.

The other students could only head to the other private room.

“Yuri, since we’re already in this super luxurious private room, who would place the order for food today?” Gerald asked as he smiled at this time.

“Don’t you have any manners at all? Yuri is our guest today so it is only natural for him to order what he wants to eat first! Why? Are you afraid that Yuri will order too much and you won’t be able to afford to pay for dinner tonight?” Xavia suddenly said in a contemptuous manner.

Of course, Yuri had to order some food first. Otherwise, Xavia was afraid that Gerald would only order spicy and sour potato shreds.

If that was really the case, then their plan to spend all of Gerald’s money would not work at all.

In fact, when they were in Yuri’s car on the way to the restaurant, they had already discussed this matter with Danny and the other boys.

They were planning to make Gerald pay more than tens of thousands of dollars for the dinner tonight.

After that, they had to make sure that he spent an additional ten thousand dollars at least. They wanted Gerald to pay at least twenty thousand dollars or more for the dinner tonight. Moreover, Yuri had already decided to combine forces and financial resources with Danny to defeat Gerald tonight.

That would be more than enough!

“Alright then. Just order whatever you want to!” Gerald replied as he smiled bitterly.

Harper, who was sitting at the side, kept nudging Gerald to remind him of the situation but Gerald simply shook his head, motioning for them not to worry about him because he knew what he was doing.

“Alright then, thank you!”

Yuri took the menu in his hand before he started looking at the menu from the last page.

After all, Homeland Kitchen’s signature dishes were all listed on the last few pages of the menu and these were the more expensive dishes.

“The Australian big lobster! The Australian abalone!”

as Yuri continued ordering

he showed no fear on his face

this time, he was

three thousand to four thousand dollars left for the month and Danny only had one thousand five hundred

they had to make sure that they did not spend

they would really be embarrassed when they couldn’t afford to

of the famous signature dishes from the last few

he ordered would already amount to four thousand five hundred dollars,

Yuri handed the menu over to

here today, he was more than willing to do so because he wanted Gerald to spend all the money that he had here today.

You only ordered four of the signature dishes from the last few pages of

out loud at

more of the signature dishes if you want to. Anyway,

was extremely dissatisfied when she saw Gerald mocking

only shake

and compete with someone like Yuri when he only had that small sum of money

signature dishes are there on the menu?”

in Homeland Kitchen. Only the wealthiest people can usually afford to order four of these signature dishes at one go! The price of these four dishes already

so that is

closed the menu

dishes from the


was shocked and she dropped her ordering

twenty dishes would probably cost

Oh my god!

served food like this

you insane? The price of these twenty signature dishes

Danny was shocked.

trying to play around with Gerald so that he could humiliate him. However,

and he realized that he had been silent all this while. Gerald smiled before he said, “Yuri, why don’t we order some drinks? Why aren’t you saying anything at all? ARe the dishes I’ve ordered too

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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