Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 218
Gerald never thought that this would be such a big news.


Everyone was discriminating against him after that and he did not even know how he left the Broadcasting Department.

Why did he care so much about what Alice was thinking?

Why did he care so much about what the others were thinking?

Why didn’t he just explain himself?

If only he had explained for himself, there would not be so much trouble!

Gerald was extremely frustrated.

Meanwhile, Alice texted Gerald. “Hey Gerald! Hayley and the others would like to have dinner together. Would you like to join?”

Gerald sighed. He wanted to tell Alice that he does not like her and he did not want to confess to her and it was all a misunderstanding so badly. However, Alice was so happy and Hayley and the others were excited too.

not know what to say. Maybe it’s the problem with all Libras.

go ahead! I still have things to do.

to explain to Alice when all of this was

something was wrong with Gerald’s reply. “What do you mean we go ahead? Are you bored of me

and started walking

“Vroom! Vroom!”

there were sounds of

the cars passed by Gerald and it almost

There’s so

goodness! Which master is here? Damn! If only I could be in one of these cars,

must be Uriah! But who

cars even the guys came over and looked. Everyone was impressed while discussing

student came down from the car and started scolding Gerald. “Are you

a head of red hair and was

he always passed off as

at him, Jayden! He’s just like one of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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