Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 227
She saw the Lamborghini leaving as soon as she came out.
Gerald was gone too.
But where could Gerald be then?
Could that mean that…
She did not even dare think about it. She really didn’t dare think about it anymore!
Sara took a deep breath. Wasn’t that confirmation that Gerald was the Lamborghini’s owner?
Sara suddenly thought of the first time she met Gerald. At that time, unceremoniously sliced watermelon on the Lamborghini’s hood.
Now, Gerald was here, and that car was also here!
Not to mention how Sara personally witnessed Gerald blowing off thirty thousand dollars without hesitation whatsoever!

Gerald was the owner of that car? How wealthy was Gerald really?
Sara was petrified, unable to accept her own unbelievable deduction. It wasn’t right! It couldn’t possibly be true!
Gerald, on the other hand, had driven back to school after sending Queta home. He headed to the small remote parking lot, where he usually parked his car.
He then got out, locking the car behind him.
“Hello, Gerald!”
A girl suddenly jumped out from the bushes, leaving Gerald started.
“God-damn it! What are you doing?”
He took a step backward in shock.
He didn’t know if he should cry or laugh when he saw the face of the unintended visitor.
The girl standing in front of him turned out to be Whitney.
“Hehehe.! I have been waiting for you for a long time, Mr. Crawford. I know you’ve been parking your car here.”
“Wow! You are really amazing, Gerald. I really didn’t expect this car to be yours. You’re one bad guy. Why didn’t you tell me earlier that this car belongs to you? You made me misunderstand you!”
Gerald ran into Whitney and her family when he masqueraded as Jane’s boyfriend to meet her parents. Thanks to that meeting, Whitney discovered that Gerald was the owner of the beautiful coupe.
Nobody should have known about this.
After returning home, Whitney had a sleepless night, where all she could think of when she closed her eyes was Gerald.
Memories of everything that had happened between them unceremoniously invaded her mind.
The Gerald of the past used to be a pauper who had constantly gotten bullied by her.
He would always do whatever she asked him to do.
In her eyes, even a dog was worthier than Gerald could ever be.
However, Whitney had no idea what had gone wrong with her, not knowing when her attitude toward Gerald had changed.
She even wondered if she was in love with Gerald.
It did not make sense that she kept dreaming of him.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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