Chapter 160 Sean Is Here Again

Abigail knew the reason for that.

She heard that the director scolded Josie for scratching her hand and messing up a scene.

Josie said that her hands were itching badly due to the frostbite, but the director felt it looked authentic and made her maintain it.

As a southerner who came to the north, it was normal for her to get frostbite.

So, her hands were more severe than Abigail’s and were cracking all over.

As Abigail considered the tough conditions Josie had endured since she was filming, she took out the gloves that she charged up and passed them to her. “You can put this on during scenes where you don’t need to show your hands. It’s rechargeable and can heat up. You can ask your assistant to buy some ointment later. I’m sure you’ll recover in no time.”

“What about you?” Josie was a little embarrassed.

“I can use a heat pack once I’m done with my job. But it’s different for you. You’ll have to stand in the cold wind the whole day.” Abigail said gently.

Josie blushed and replied. “Thank you, Abigail.”

and ask him for the shop he bought the

as she realized her cheeks and ears were covered with them. So, she put

as it was a northern city with the best weather, the

a recommendation to draw blood out with needles, as

into it further and actually thought that

nearby pharmacy. However, she saw Sean when she

Abigail quickly averted her gaze and acted as if she didn’t know

him and let

out his hand and grabbed her wrist. “You’ve been angry

without looking back. Sean ran after her and grabbed her hand

We’re having the divorce after this is settled, Sean. We’ll go our separate ways since you think this is troublesome.” Abigail stared coldly at him as her

you,” Sean

are all recorded. Do you think you can win?” Abigail glared at

her in the eye and said, “Abigail, Joan and I are not lovers. I can’t tell you the reason. Can you

That earned him a hard

and the sound was loud

relationship with her is. You left me at home and caused me to be locked up. It nearly caused trouble for my studio. We’re over! I won’t forgive what your grandma did

going numb from the pain. Abigail really hated him. If not,

placed his luggage down and asked the assistant who followed him to take

went in as well. “Are you hurt? What’s wrong?” Sean

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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